How do I send a survey through email distribution in Shopify?

How do I send a survey through email distribution in Shopify?

To send out a survey through email distribution:

  1. Click  Email Distribution , then select Orders to send out order-specific as well as product-specific surveys. Click  Customers  to send out surveys to a particular customer.
  2. Click  Event Triggers  to trigger a survey when a particular Shopify event occurs.
    Zoho Survey Shopify Distribution options
  3. Select an order. You can filter the orders based on various parameters.
    Zoho Survey Shopify select order
  4. Click  Actions , then select  Send Survey .
    Zoho Survey Shopify send survey
  5. Select the survey you want to send in the  Select a Survey  dropdown list. If you haven't created any surveys yet, click  Create a New Survey , or select a survey from one of our pre-built templates.
    Zoho Survey Shopify select survey
  6. Click  Preview  to take a quick look at the survey you selected.
  7. Select a collector in the Collector  dropdown list.
  8. Click  Next .
  9. Select the 'from email address' in the  Reply to  dropdown list.
    Zoho Survey Shopify select email address
  10. Type the name of the sender in the  Name of the Sender  field. 
  11. Select a recipient email address in the  Send to  list.
  12. Type a subject in the  Subject  field.
  13. Click or hover over the email template and click    to edit the email template or click  Edit template  at the top right corner. You can make edits to the default template that gets displayed here. Enable  Use First Question  if you want to use the first question to be shown in the survey cover page. If the first question is NPS, Star Rating, or Multiple Choice, the first question will be embedded in your email distribution. This replaces the  Begin Survey  button as a link to your survey.
  14. Make edits to the title of the email template, if any, in the  Title name  box. If you do not make any changes to the title, it will take the name of the survey by default.
  15. Click  Background color  and  Font color  palettes in the  Header  section to adjust them in the template.
  16. Make edits to the button name in the  Button name  field, if required.
  17. In the  Button URL  field, click  + Add Parameter , to insert respondent variable from Shopify into your survey.
  18. Type name, if, for example, you want to track the respondent's name. You can also select  Product name  and  Order name  to append into the URL as well as have these variables displayed in the customized message.
  19. Click  Select value  dropdown and select either first name or last name.
  20. Click  OK . Similarly, you can also insert a direct value as a respondent variable. For example, type 'Organization' and, in Select value, click param-value and enter "XYZ Inc".
  21. Make sure you have the corresponding custom variable for 'organization' created in survey.
  22. Click  Background color  and  Font color  palettes in the  Button  section to adjust them in the button name. As part of our branding, we include the Zoho logo in the footer of all free plan surveys. You can only remove the footer if you have a paid plan.
  23. Choose whether you want to show the default 'powered by Zoho Survey' option.
  24. Click  OK .
  25. Click  Send  to distribute your survey through email. You can also save a draft version and send it later.
Note: You can add up to 1000 email addresses per batch in an email campaign i.e. you can send 1000 emails at a time. 
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