How do I share the reports of my survey?

How do I share the reports of my survey?

You can share your reports publicly, or with colleagues, survey respondents, and organizations. You can also secure shared reports with a password
Share survey report

To share a report:

  1. Click Share in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Enter a name for your report in the Name the share box.
  3. Select one of the Choose a report type  radio button options:
    1. Summary - Select this option if you just want a summary of your responses. The following options will not be available if you select Individual sharing. 
      1. Click the  Select a report  dropdown and choose the report you want to share.
      2. Click Yes in Allow Text Responses  if you want to share the responses with your report's summary.
      3. Click No if you don't want to share the detailed response report.
    2. Individual - Select this option to set the details of each individual response.
    3. Both - Select this option to see the summary and the individual response details.
  4. Click the  Select a filter to apply dropdown to filter your reports.
    1. Individual response view: Select the questions to display for the individual responses.
    2. All questions: Show all the question in the survey, whether they are answered or unanswered.
    3. Shown questions: Show only the questions that were shown to that particular respondent. Some questions might have been passed over due to question and page logic. These questions will not be displayed.
    4. Answered questions: Show only the questions that have been answered.
  5. Click Yes in the Multi-language support option if you want to display the report in all the languages you have translated your survey in. Or, click No to select just one default language.
  6. Click the Default Language dropdown to select the default language you want your survey report to load in. If you have chosen multi-language support, you will be able to switch to another language you've applied to your survey.
  7. Click the Share permission dropdown menu to select an audience:
    1. Share with private user: To share your report privately with individual users, select this option and enter the users' email addresses. Uncheck the selection in the  Send Invitation checkbox if you don't want to email an invitation to the user.
    2. Share with the public: Make your report publicly accessible. Search engines will also be able to crawl this report.
    3. Share with password: Select this option to secure your report so that only users who have the password can access it. Enter your chosen password into the  Enter Password  field.
  8. Click  Save. A URL will be generated that you can use to share your report.
    Share report link
  9. Click  Create online surveys  to copy the URL to the clipboard.
  10. Click  View  to take a look at the report.
  11. Click Create online surveysto edit the report settings.
  12. To delete a shared report, click Create online surveys and confirm your selection.

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