How do I show the survey scores on the end pages?

How do I show the survey scores on the end pages?

To show the survey scores on the end pages:

  1. Select Custom message from the Then list when setting up a termination logic option message.
  2. Edit the text and click Insert Variable.
  3. Select the appropriate variable from the Score section: 
    Show survey scores on end page
  4. Click Respondent's score (percentage) to send the percentage of the total score.
  5. Click Respondent's score (value) to send only the user's score.
  6. Click Survey total score to send the total score.
  7. Click Page> Respondent's score (percentage) to send the percentage of the total score on a particular page.
  8. Click Page> Respondent's score (value) to send only the user's score on a particular page.
  9. Click Page total score to send the total score for a particular page.

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