How do you define a customer, potential contact, lead/contact or an unknown person?

How do you define a customer, potential contact, lead/contact or an unknown person?

Social media updates from your leads and contacts are filtered in the Social tab so that you can easily follow updates from people that matter to you. There are four categories - Customers, Potential Contacts, Leads/Contacts, and Unknown people.

Following are the conditions that determine who goes into which category.

  • Customers: Contacts with whom you have closed all potentials, with at least one potential being "Closed Won".
  • Potential Contacts: Contacts with whom you have at least one open potential.
  • Leads/Contacts: Leads are all the people in your Leads module.
  • "Contacts" here could be those with whom you have no potentials yet or you have potentials that are Closed Lost.
  • Unknown: These are people who are not in your CRM database. If you want to add them as a lead or contact, you can do so by pointing the mouse over an update by them and clicking the +Add button.

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