How email engagement magically boosts inbox placement

How email engagement magically boosts inbox placement

Mailbox providers such as Gmail, Yahoo!and others have been validating a lot of data points like spammy content, email engagement, and user interests to offer inbox placement —i.e. the number of emails that actually reach an inbox as opposed to ending up in the spam folder.

Among all the mailbox providers,Gmail gives more importance to email engagement, which they've considered the primary factor to determine inbox placement since 2018. Also, Gmail collectively analyzes the interest recipients show towards your emails to determine your domain reputation, another important element in whether or not your emails reach contacts' inboxes. If your email deliverability has taken a hit, and if most of your contacts are Gmail users, it indicates that your contacts using Gmail aren't engaging with your emails.

No worries! You can incorporate the following techniques into your email and marketing strategies to improve both email engagement and deliverability.

Sending targeted emails

People prefer receiving emails that address their needs and interests over vague generic emails. Sending targeted emails creates a personalized experience for your leads and will keep them engaged, which we mentioned was the most important factor in improving inbox placement and email deliverability. To send targeted emails, you must analyze your lead's interests, group leads who share similar interests, and then send relevant emails to them. Click here to learn about sending targeted emails.

Craft engaging emails

An email campaign with an attractive email design, attention-grabbing images, easy-to-access CTAs, and content that is relevant to the recipient is more dynamic in nature and will spur your recipient's interest. When you send such engaging emails on a regular basis, it is more likely that recipients will keep visiting your emails often and emails will never land anywhere other than their inbox.

A/B testing

Using the A/B testing tool, you can create two different versions of a campaign, send it to a section of your leads, and compare the performance of the campaigns. Then you can send the campaign that had more opens and a higher click rate to the remaining leads. You can also test campaigns with different subject lines and CTAs.

Sounds interesting right? Click here to learn more about the A/B testing tool.

Mobile optimization

In recent times, people have reduced the time they spend reading emails using a computer and prefer reading emails on their mobile phones. According to recent Upland Adestra stats nearly 62 % of their recipients accessed their mailbox from their mobile phones, so to suit smart phones is something you should never forget to do. You can design your campaigns with mobile-friendly templates and test them on various devices to ensure their readability. Designing email campaigns with mobile-optimized email templates and easy-to-access CTAs will definitely improve your email engagement.

Requesting feedback

Requesting feedback from your contacts will help you understand what they expect from your emails. You can send feedback forms and add polls and surveys to your campaigns to get feedback from email recipients. Then you can use that feedback to improve the quality of emails you send.

Sender recognition

People are most likely to engage with emails when it comes from a source they recognize and trust. You must ensure you send emails with an easily recognizable email address along with the sender name, a crisp email subject, a consistent email format, and relevant content to gain the trust of your email recipients and keep them engaged.

Click here to learn more about building positive recognition for your email campaigns.

Having a reply-to address

When you send email campaigns without a reply-to address, it becomes a one-way communication as there won't be a channel where recipients can interact with you. Giving people a way to reach you will improve engagement and deliverability as ESPs and ISPs will be convinced that you are not a spammer.

Send time optimization

Sending emails to leads during the wee hours of the morning means your email is more likely to get missed. It can also sometimes irk them and lead to unsubscribes.Sending email campaigns to leads after knowing their time zone and during the time they are more likely to check their mailbox is an ideal way to increase email engagement.

Email engagement always plays a major role in determining email marketing's success. Crafting effective email content and strategies that work for your line of business goes a long way towards keeping email recipients engaged and getting the best returns from your email marketing handle.  

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