How to associate multiple contacts with a deal?

How to associate multiple contacts with a deal?

Each deal is associated to an account and each account can have multiple contacts associated to that account. Contacts that are associated to an account can also be associated to the deal. To add more than one contact to a deal, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Deals tab.
  2. In the Deals page, select the record you want to associate the contacts to.
  3. In the Deal Details page, under Contact Roles related list, click Add Contact Roles.

  4. In the Contact Roles Mapping page, all the contacts associated to the account are listed.
  5. Select the check box(es) of the contacts that you want to associate.
  6. Select the Contact Role from the drop-down list for the respective contacts.
  7. Click Save.
Note: If the Deal's account does not have any contact associated to it, then it will not be listed in the Contact Roles Mapping page.

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