How to Authenticate your Domain with Zoho MarketingHub

How to Authenticate your Domain with Zoho MarketingHub

Domain authentication is a mechanism that verifies the email from the point of its origin by validating the email sender. It checks emails to rule out any possibility of spamming or spoofing thereby protecting your sender reputation. Authenticating your domain allows smooth transfer of emails through spam filters and into your recipient's inbox.

Domain authentication methods

  • SPF allows you to specify the mail servers (IP addresses) which can send emails on your behalf.
  • DKIM allows email senders to authenticate their campaigns by including a digital signature in the email header. Publishing SPF and DKIM TXT records in your domain's DNS settings means you've authenticated your domain with Zoho MarketingHub.

Domain Authentication Steps

Authenticating your domain in Zoho MarketingHub is a simple four step process:

  1. Add a sender domain to your Zoho MarketingHub account.
  2. To authenticate your domain, copy SPF and DKIM record values from Zoho MarketingHub.
  3. Go to your domain hosting website's Settings page to setup SPF and DKIM records for your domain. Paste the copied record values and publish them to the DNS servers.
  4. After your records are published, go to your Zoho MarketingHub account and verify your domain.

Step 1 - Add a sender domain

  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Domain Authentication under Deliverability.

    2. Click Add sender button on the top-right corner of the screen.

    3. You can enter up to 5 sender email addresses.
    4. Click Send verification email button to receive verification emails in the email address you have provided.

    5. To verify your email addresses, login to your email client and open the verification email sent by Zoho MarketingHub.
    6. Click the Verify your email address button in the email to complete the verification process.
    7. Once verified, you will find your sender address (for example, listed under Sender address tab and the domain ( listed under Domain authentication tab.

If you have not received the verification email, please check all the folders / filters in your email client. If you still don't find them, please contact

Step 2 - Copy SPF and DKIM record values from Zoho MarketingHub

  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Domain Authentication under Deliverability.
  2. Under Domain authentication, locate your domain from the table and click Setup on the extreme right of the row.
  3. In the Setup page, click Copy button next to the text records.

Step 3 - Setup SPF and DKIM records for your domain

To setup SPF and DKIM text records for your unverified domain, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to your domain hosting website from where you have purchased your domain (, Cloudflare, BlueHost,etc).
  2. Paste the TXT record values copied from your Zoho MarketingHub account in your domain's DNS settings. Click Publish.
  3. If the SPF record already exists in your domain's DNS settings, please add to the record and click Publish.

DNS setup usually updates within 24-48 hours. Your sender domain will be verified only after the update is complete.

Step 4 - Verify your domain

After the SPF and DKIM records for your domain have been published on the DNS servers, follow the steps given below to verify your domain:

  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Domain Authentication under Deliverability.
  2. Click Setup button on the far right corner of your domain.
  3. Click Verify domain.
  4. If the records are not published in your domain hosting site, the reason and how to fix it are available in the same screen.

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