How to build a journey to nurture my leads?

How to build a journey to nurture my leads?

Once you create your Zoho MarketingHub account, we’ll take you to our welcome page, where you can start with building journeys to nurture your leads.

On the Welcome page, click the Build a journey button. The Create journey page will appear.     


You can select any of the following options:

Pre-designed templates – These types of journeys have the trigger type already defined. There are eight pre-designed journey templates. You can select one of the templates based on your requirement --- On form submission, Date-field, To definite group, Re-engagement series, Smart series, On list entry, Survey, Event-based. 

Blank – You can define a trigger type, configure the process elements, and the end-of-journey actions the way you want.

Once you select one of the options, you can initiate a series of messages and actions for them. Create an action flow and have them be completely automated. Every journey has three major sections.


Under this section, you'll define the condition for your leads to enter the journey. 
Consider the following examples: 

Update field trigger - A journey with this trigger initiates whenever there is an update in the field you select.

Form submission trigger - A journey with this trigger initiates whenever there is a sign up via the form you select.


Under this section, you'll define a series of actions to be performed on your leads. You can create an email series, define actions, split the path based on conditions, and much more.

End-of-journey actions

Under this section, you'll define a series of actions that will be performed when the lead completes/exits the process.

Once you are finished, activate the journey. Journeys will show you up-to-date reports, which you can use to analyze how well your strategy is performing with your leads.

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