How to convert abandoned carts with web assistant

How to convert abandoned carts with web assistant

With purchase abandonment, you can segment people who have initiated a purchase in your website but have not completed it, send them followup emails, and encourage them to buy your product.

There are two different types of setup under abandonment recovery.

Cart abandonment

If your website has a separate cart that will hold your customers' pickups, you need to set up a cart abandonment.

User scenario

Sarah is the marketing head of, an e-commerce website that sells products of all kinds, from electronics to textiles. Their customers pick their desired products, put them into their cart and make a purchase. Sarah has drafted a successful strategy that draws in a lot of customers. Though they have a huge customer base that brings them in a good revenue, they find out that a lot of products are left in the cart unbought. Sarah thought that it was important to develop a plan to encourage customers to buy the products they left in the cart. So, she sends a reminder email to her customers (provided they are her leads) two days after the products were abandoned. This email made customers return back to the cart and complete the purchase, thereby increasing Sarah's sales.

Site abandonment

If your website does not have a cart and the purchase must be made one at a time, you need to set up a site abandonment.

User scenario

RentalCentre is an online rental platform. Their services let people rent furniture and electrical appliances. They have an item catalogue on their website from which customers can select their required item and place an order. RentalCentre tracks people who visit their website, select items, and place orders. They find out that two-thirds of the people who start the ordering process leave without completing the payment. Joel is the head of RentalCentre's marketing and sales department. He segments people who did not complete the payment process. He sends them an email (provided they are leads) encouraging them to complete the order, and asking them reasons for abandoning the item. In response to this email, some leads sent him a reply with reasons and some other leads revisited the website and completed the order. He was able to increase sales and also learn the various reasons of why people abandon. With this knowledge, he was able to improve the process and provide an enhanced user experience by giving them what they expected.

Setting up cart abandonment

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain from the list view. (If you've not connected your website, connect it with Web Assistant to set up abandonment.)
  3. Select Purchase abandonment tab.
  4. Click Create from the top right corner.
  5. Select Card Abandonment .
  6. Make an API call (as detailed below) to send us information about the products being added or removed from the cart.
  7. Once done, click Proceed .
  8. Fill in the following information:
    • Name – Give a name for the setup for future reference.
    • Abandonment criteria – Provide the following details:
      • Thank you page - Select the page you show your buyers once they've made the purchase. If your intended page is not listed, embed our JavaScript code in your thank you page and then select it here.
      • Maximum time to complete purchase - Define a time period within which the purchase should be completed (from the time the last item was dropped into the cart to time they are checked out). If the buyer does not reach the Thank You Page within this time, the purchase will be considered abandoned
    • Field-based criteria - If needed, you can apply additional filters based on lead information.
    • Actions to be performed - Anyone who did not reach your Thank you page within your set time period are marked for abandonment. You can also choose to perform other actions for them.
  9. Click Activate now to activate the set up. You can also save the entire set up in a draft and activate it later.
API details
  1. Call to be made when a visitor adds an item to the cart

    Format: setItem(json,AuthToken)
    The json contains product details like product ID, product name, product URL, and product image.

    Example: onclick="setItem({'productId':'10001','productName':'iphone6plus','productUrl':'','productImage':''},'340f212ad81494a2d5dc2ddea5e032f5 ')"

  2. Call to be made when a visitor removes an item from the cart

  3. RemoveItem
    Format: removeItem(json,AuthToken)

    Example: onclick="removeItem({'productId':'10001'},' 340f212ad81494a2d5dc2ddea5e032f5')"

  4. Call to be made when a visitor checks out an item

    Format: checkOutItem(json,AuthToken)

    Example: onclick="checkOutItem({'productId':'10001'},' 340f212ad81494a2d5dc2ddea5e032f5')"

Creating site abandonment

Actions that can be performed on abandonment
  • Add leads to a list : Leads marked for abandonment will be added to a mailing list that you've specified. If necessary, you can create a new mailing list.
  • Send email to leads marked for abandonment. Create an email and configure content. You can choose to send it immediately, or schedule it for later.
  • Update the fields of leads marked for abandonment. Select the field to update and provide a value for that field. You can do one of the following:
    • Text fields : Overwrite the existing text value or append text to the existing value.
    • Integer fields : Overwrite the existing integer value or add/subtract an integer from the existing value.
    • Date and time fields : Overwrite the existing date and time or update the date and time when the action occurs.
  • Assign tags to leads who are marked for abandonment. You can assign any number of tags to your leads. If necessary, you can create a new tag.
  • Remove tags from leads who are marked for abandonment. Select the tags to be removed.

Setting up site abandonment

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain from the list view. (If you've not connected your website, connect it with Web Assistant to set up abandonment.
  3. Select the Purchase abandonment tab.
  4. Click Create from the top-right corner.
  5. Select Site Abandonment .
  6. Fill in the following information:
    • Name -Give a name for the setup for future reference.
    • Abandonment criteria - Provide the following details:
      • Purchase page - Select the first page of the buying process. If your intended page is not listed embed our JavaScript code in your thank you page and then select it here.
      • Thank you page - Select the page you show your buyers once they've made the purchase. If your intended page is not listed, embed our JavaScript code in your thank you page, then select it here.
      • Maximum time to complete purchase - Define a time within which the purchase must be completed. If the buyer does not reach the Thank You page within this time, the purchase will be considered abandoned.
      • Field-based criteria - If needed, you can apply additional filters based on lead information.
    • Actions to be performed - Anyone who did not reach your Thank you page within your set time period are marked for abandonment. You can also choose to perform other actions for them.
  7. Click Activate now to activate the set up. You can also save the entire set up in draft and activate it later.

Site abandonment in web assistant

Actions that can be performed on abandonment
  • Add leads to a list : Leads marked for abandonment will be added to a mailing list that you've specified. If necessary, you can create a new mailing list.
  • Send email to leads marked for abandonment. Create an email and configure content. You can choose to send it immediately, or schedule it for later.
  • Update the fields of leads marked for abandonment. Select the field to update and provide a value for that field. You can do one of the following:
    • Text fields : Overwrite the existing text value or append text to the existing value.
    • Integer fields : Overwrite the existing integer value or add/subtract an integer from the existing value.
    • Date and time fields : Overwrite the existing date and time or update the date and time when the action occurs.
  • Assign tags to leads who are marked for abandonment. You can assign any number of tags to your leads. If necessary, you can create a new tag.
  • Remove tags from leads who are marked for abandonment. Select the tags to be removed.



You can view the reports for purchase abandonment under Reports section.

Overall stats

You can view the following information:

  • Total abandonments - Number of visitors who did not complete the purchase.
  • Recoverable abandonments - Number of known visitors (leads) who did not complete the purchase. You can recover these abandonments by sending your leads emails.
  • Unrecoverable abandonments - Number of anonymous visitors who did not complete the purchase. These abandonments cannot be recovered as you cannot send emails to anonymous visitors.
  • Emails sent - Total number of emails sent to the leads who did not complete the purchase.
  • Recoveries - Number of visitors who completed the purchase as a result of your actions.

Time-based report
This graph will show you the number of abandonments and recoveries over time.

Location-based stats
You can view the number of abandonments and recoveries occurred from various locations on a geo-map.

Cart abandonment report

Next steps
  • Create website goals based on the activities your visitors perform on your website. 
  • Create smart pop-up for your webpages. 
  • View the overall report for your website from web assistant's dashboard 
  • Perform actions by creating missed goals for leads who miss your goal. 
  • Understand the overall setup for web assistant. 

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