How to manage notification settings

How to manage notification settings

Notification Settings consists of two parts: Campaign Settings and Mailing Lists. You can receive timely notifications about your campaigns and mailing lists by configuring the respective notification settings. This way you can be updated of the progress that your organization has made in terms of campaigns as well as mailing list right to your inbox without you having to login to Zoho Campaigns frequently to check the updates.

Campaign Settings

You can set up a notification email that provides the reports of sent campaigns. The report will be sent as a link and a downloadable PDF based on the configured settings.

To setup campaign notification:

1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.  
2. Select Notifications under General.  
Notifications under settings
3. Navigate to Campaigns tab and do the following:
  1. Choose the frequency of notification emails.
  2. Select the timing and time zone details.
  3. Select the users to be notified.
  4. You can set number of days after, you want to receive notifications since the campaign is sent.
  5. Check Link and Download as PDF check boxes to receive reports as link and as PDF respectively.
4. Click Save.     

Mailing List

You can setup a notification email that provides the daily report on the number of new subscribers joining the selected mailing list. The report will be sent on daily basis and will provide detailed information about the newly added subscribers coming via Sign-up form or through APIs.

To setup notification for Optin:

  1.  From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.  
  2. Select Notifications under General. 
    Notifications under settings
  3. Navigate to Mailing Lists tab and do the following:
    1. Enable Allow email notifications toggle.
    2. Choose the frequency of notification email.
    3. Select the timing and time zone details.
    4. Select Mailing Lists.
  4.  Click Save Preferences.
    allow email notifications

To setup notification for List Delete:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.  
  2. Select Notifications under General. 
    Notifications under settings
  3. Navigate to Mailing Lists tab and do the following:  
    1. Enable Allow email notifications toggle.
    2. Owner of the mailing list will be notified immediately when their mailing list is deleted. Select other users who are supposed to be notified under 'To' section. 
  4. Click Save.

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