How to manage users

How to manage users

Zoho Campaigns has two roles by default: Standard Admin and Standard User. Standard Admin handles user activities and deals with organizational tasks. Each organization must have at least one administrator to handle critical operations, such as user invitations, user access, and account removal. Standard Users are members who work on the product with privileges granted for them. 

In this user guide, we'll walk you through operations such as how to invite your colleague, create and assign roles, remove a user from an organization, and much more. Standard Admins can create different custom roles and assign privileges for those roles according to their requirement. 
  1. For accounts added before December 12, 2017 users with admin privilege will be migrated to Admin role and other users will be migrated to User role.
  2. Privileges of Admin and User role can be edited whereas the privileges of Standard Admin and Standard User roles cannot be changed.
  3. Both Admin and Standard Admin has the privileges to remove users in any custom role.
  4. If Admin changes his/her role to Standard Admin, then they cannot change their role.

Add User

You can add to a maximum of five users to an organization. Only the admin can send invites to add users.
When the user accepts your invitation, they will be added to your organization
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
    manage users
  3. Click Add drop-down on the top right corner of the page and choose User.
  4. Enter the email address, name and assign a role in the dialog box that appears.
  5. Click Add to send an invitation email.
    add user
When the user accepts your invitation, they will be added to your organization.

Note: By default, users will be assigned to Standard User role. Their role can be changed by Standard Admin if required. 

User status

In Users, you can find out what the status of your users is. There are seven different statuses,
  1. Active – The user is an active member in your organization and has the access to it.
  2. Invited – An invite has been sent to the user to join your organization.
  3. Associated – The user has accepted the invitation but hasn't joined yet.
  4. Blocked – The user's access to the organization is barred, as the user has ignored the invitation emails twice.
  5. Ignored - The user has ignored the invite, which means they've clicked the Ignore button in the invitation email.
  6. Re-invited - The user has been sent a second invitation email.
  7. Declined - The user has ignored the invitation email the first time.
  8. Inactive - The user has been marked inactive and cannot access Zoho Campaigns.
    user status

Restrict user access

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Mark as inactive.
    mark as inactive
  4. The user status will change into inactive.
Note: You can click Mark as active link to relinquish access to an inactive user.

Why should I remove myself?
Users remove themselves from an organization under two scenarios:
  1. If they've joined as a member into some other organization unintentionally.
  2. If they're leaving the organization.

How can I remove myself ?

For users

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Remove Self.  
    remove self
  4. A removal request will be forwarded to the organization admin.

For Standard Admin

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Remove Self.
    remove self admin 
  1. If you are the only user in Admin/Standard Admin role in the organization, you can exit the organization in one click by clicking Remove myself from the org link.
  2. If you are the only administrator in your organization, then you should assign your role to another user before you exit the organization.

Remove Standard User

To remove a user from the organization,
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Remove from the Org.
  4. Click Remove.     
    remove user popup

Change role

You can change the role of any user if you have the administrative privilege. Now, we can see how you can change the role of a user from Standard User to Standard Admin.
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Assign Role.
  4. Change the role of the user from Standard User to Standard Admin in the New Role drop down.
  5. Click Assign.
    assign role

Use Cases

Which members of the organization can manage all users?
Standard Admin manages all users by handling operations including adding users, removing users, granting or revoking privileges.

Can I invite a person who has declined two invitation emails?
You cannot invite a person who has declined invitation emails from your organization. However, if you still want to invite someone who is declined, contact

Where can I view the list of users in my organization?
Navigate to Settings and choose Manage Users to see all the users in your organization.

What is the maximum number of users my organization can have?
You can add to a maximum of five users to an organization. To add more than five users to your organization, contact .

How can I know a user's role?
From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings and choose Manage Users. User role is displayed beside the username.

How can I resend an invitation email?
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Choose Manage Users under Users and Control.
  3. Click Re-Invite.
Note: This option is enabled if the user denies your first invitation. 

Can I invite a previous Zoho Campaigns user to join a different organization?
Yes, once a person has been removed from an organization, it is possible to invite them to join another organization.

How many times can I send invitation email to a person?
Invitation emails can be sent twice to the same person. If two consecutive invitation mails are ignored, no further invitations can be sent. If you want to invite someone who has ignored two invitations, then contact .

Can I invite someone who is currently a user in another organization?
An invitation can be sent to the user, but he/she has to be removed from the other organization to join your organization.

My Zoho Campaigns account was deleted a few months ago. How long will my data remain with Zoho Campaigns?
User data is backed up for 6 months. If you have deleted your account within 6 months, you can restore your data.

How can I reactivate my Zoho Account after deletion?
To reactivate your account, just sign up with your email address again. You will receive an email with instructions to restore your account.

I have received an invite but I would like to join the organization via my other email address. What should I do?
Contact your organization administrator and request them to send an invitation email to your preferred email address.

I am trying to add an email address as a sender address, but I am not receiving any authentication email. Why does this happen?
The email address you're trying to add might be a user in some other Zoho Campaigns organization. You cannot add a sender address which already exists in another org. Please try again after removing the user from the other org, or add a different email address.

Recently, I have changed my email address, which is also associated with Zoho Campaigns. How can I change my email address?
You need to change the existing email address with new Email address in Zoho Campaigns. You can achieve this in one of two ways.
1) Change the primary email address in Zoho Accounts.
2) Add a new email address as a user in Zoho Campaigns. Click here to to add a user.

Why can't I remove some of the inactive sender addresses?
In Zoho Campaigns, you can remove sender addresses that you added, but cannot remove sender addresses added by other users. You can either ask the person who added these addresses to remove them, or remove the associated users from your organization which will lead to the removal of their sender addresses.

How can I reactivate my Zoho Account after deletion?
To reactivate your account, just sign up with your email address again. You will receive an email with instructions to restore your account. Your data will be purged six months after account deletion. You can reactivate your deleted account within a period of six months.

What is the "Associated" user status?
"Associated" means that a person has accepted the invitation to join an organization but has not started using Zoho Campaigns. Once the user logs in and sets up their account, the status will be upgraded to "Active".

When does a user remove themselves from an organization?
Users remove themselves from an organization under two scenarios:
  1. If they've joined as a member into some other organization unintentionally.
  2. If they're leaving the organization.
What is the difference between Admin and Standard Admin?
  1. For accounts added before December 12, 2017, users with admin privilege will be assigned the Admin role. The Admin role follows the previous version of privilege allocation, where some of the privileges are not given. The Admin role is customizable.
  2. The Standard Admin role has complete privileges throughout the entire product. It is one of the default roles in the upgraded version of roles and privileges. A user can promote themselves from role of Admin to Standard Admin. However, the reverse cannot be done by the user themselves.
What is the difference between User and Standard User?
For accounts added before December 12, 2017, users will be assigned the User role. The User role follows the previous version of privilege allocation, where some of the privileges for their entities are not given. The User role is customizable.
The Standard User role has complete privileges for all entities that they have created in the entire product. It is one of the default roles in the upgraded version of roles and privileges.

My colleagues work on different products on a rotational basis. Can I restrict access to them while they're not working in my product, without removing them from the organization every time?
Yes, you can restrict access without removing them from your organization. You can mark those users as inactive while they are not working on your product. Users won't be able to access Zoho Campaigns when they are inactive. You can make them active when they resume working on your product.

Please note that this solution won't work if other products use Zoho Campaigns, as an inactive user cannot become a member of any other organization. In this case, you should remove them from your organization, then add them again. 
Can I mark a user with admin privileges as inactive?
Yes, you can mark a user with admin privileges as inactive. You can mark any user as inactive irrespective of their role if you have admin privileges. However, you cannot mark yourself as inactive irrespective of your role. You need to ask another user with admin privileges to do that. 
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