How to send bulk emails to Gmail and Outlook users

How to send bulk emails to Gmail and Outlook users

Sending newsletters, promotional emails and targeted email campaigns are part and parcel of an email marketer's day at the office. But the real challenge for marketers is to send a huge volume of email and achieve inbox placement. This is made difficult by the fact that inbox providers heavily scrutinize emails to identify spam and check whether the content provided is relevant to the recipient's interest.

Although inbox providers analyze various factors to offer inbox placement, they put the greatest importance on the relevancy of the email content and the sender domain's reputation. So the question for marketers is this: How do you identify your contact's interest?

It's quite simple. To understand your contact's interest, you can analyze the searches they perform on your website, the enquiries they make regarding your products/services, and the links they click in your emails.

Gmail and outlook offer inbox placement mostly for emails that keep their customers engaged and that are sent from a sender domain with a positive reputation.

Things to do before performing an email blast

Before performing an email blast, you must identify the email service provider commonly used by your contacts. If a considerable number of your contacts use Gmail or Outlook, you should follow the techniques discussed below to achieve inbox placement:

  • The best way to keep your contacts engaged is by sending emails targeting your contact's interest. Sending targeted emails will help you improve email engagement and strengthen your domain reputation. Click here  to learn more about sending targeted emails.
  • If you want to send a huge number of emails in a single strike, you can use the following techniques: 
    • The best way to start is by sending emails to contacts who never miss your emails. When all the emails you send initially are read, inbox providers will be convinced that you are not a spammer and will start offering inbox placement to your future emails.
    • You can split the total number of emails and send them either at a regular interval or on a daily basis and stretch the time duration as much as possible to avoid email throttling.

  • A dirty mailing list will result in bounces, unsubscribes, and spam markings. You must weed out inactive contacts and invalid email addresses from your mailing list to reduce the bounce rate and protect your sender domain's reputation and email engagement. Click here to learn more about cleaning your mailing list.  

  • Use a sender domain that has a positive reputation to prevent email rejection and quarantining. You can use the Google Postmaster tool to track your domain reputation and identify common delivery issues.

  • Provide the option to unsubscribe in every email you send. This will reduce spam markings and help you maintain your domain reputation.

The success of your email campaign hugely depends on the way you plan it and the content you offer. Understanding the benchmarks set by inbox providers and implementing sensible strategies to meet them will help your emails reach your contact's inbox.

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