How to track my lead’s behavior on my website?

How to track my lead’s behavior on my website?

Once you create your Zoho MarketingHub account, we’ll take you to our welcome page, where you can start with tracking your lead’s behavior on your website.

With web assistant, you can: 

  • Monitor visitor behavior 
  • Analyze visitor interests in your website, products, and services 
  • Gain insights into your web traffic 
  • Categorize target subscribers based on their activities and interests 

To track your lead’s behavior on website,

On the Welcome page of Zoho MarketingHub, click the Get website code button. The Connect website page will appear.    

Connecting your website – You’ll enter your website domain to generate a JavaScript code snippet.

Embed code in webpages – You’ll copy the code and paste it into the <body> section of the pages you want to track. Once you've embedded the tracking code in your webpages, and as your pages start receiving visits, they will be listed under the Pages subtab. 

Validate page - If any of your page does not get listed under Pages in spite of adding the tracking code, you can use the Validate pages option to check if you've added the code correctly. 

Setting up event tracking - Events are any user interaction with your website, like clicking a CTA, downloading a book, or submitting a form. 

For instance, if you want to track the number of clicks on your Subscribe button, you need to add a JS event like this: 

<button onclick=”zcAction(‘clicked’, ‘Landing_page_Subscription’)”></button> 
  • "Onclick" is the JS event 
  • "zcAction" will be called to track the action 
  • "Clicked" is the action 
  • The value is the button name 

When the JavaScript event is added to your Subscribe button, all clicks made on that button will be calculated and displayed under the Events sub-tab. This example is specifically for a click action. You can track other elements by adding a JavaScript event call based on that specific element. 

The elements you've defined will be listed under the Events subtab. 


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