How to track sprint progress?

How to track sprint progress?

View the Sprint dashboard

View the sprint dashboard in just a few clicks.
  1. Choose a sprint in the Sprint Plan page.
  2. Click the sprint name. This will take you to the Sprint Details page, where you can view the Dashboard .

Different types of sprint progress

The sprint dashboard is simple and compact. Here we have five widgets that highlight the sprint progress in various stages.

Overall Progress

You can compare the overall progress chart with a pendulum, where the needle oscillates. The needle in the middle is the total number of work items. As the work begins, the number of work items increases or decreases based on their count. Accordingly, the needle oscillates to the left and right to denote the number of work items in the open and closed status. Using this count, the overall sprint completion percentage is calculated.

How is the overall percentage calculated? 

The number of closed items is divided by the total number of work items to get the completion percentage.
For example, if you have 50 open work items and 2 closed items, your percentage will be 3%.
(2 / (2+50)*100).


Work Item Count

After you start working on your sprint board, you move the work items across the different statuses. The default three statuses are: To Do, In Progress, and Done . Using this chart, you can view the count of the work items in each status and know which status needs more attention.

How to view this chart?

  • The inner circle represents the total count of work items in each item type across the statuses. Green for story, Blue for task, and Red for bug.
  • The outer circle represents the count of items in each status: Open, in progress, and closed.

User Engagement

Measure the performance of the sprint team using the user engagement chart. View the top five users based on their count of work items in the open and closed status.

How to view this chart?

  • This chart displays the users who've more number of work items in open and closed statuses.
  • You can track the top and bottom five users in your sprint team based on the open and closed work items.
  • Hover over the bars to view the count of work items.
  • Using this chart, you can track the performance of the users as well as estimate the status that has more work items.

Sprint Activity

The sprint activity chart on a daily basis represents the count of items being added, moved, reopened, or closed. If there are no activities on that particular day, it is marked as idle.

How to view this chart?

  • The X-axis denotes the Date and the Y-axis denotes the Count of work items .
  • You can track the progress of your sprint on a daily basis right from reopening a work item, adding a new item, moving it across the status to closing an item.
  • If you haven't worked on a particular day it is marked as idle.
  • Using this, the sprint owner can calculate the number of days the team remained idle.
  • Hover over the chart and view the count of work items in each activity.
  • Blue - Reopened items
  • Green - Newly added items
  • Red - Closed items
  • Yellow - Items moved across the status on the board
  • Grey - Idle

Time Tracker

Time tracker tracks the total billable and non-billable hours in the sprint. Using this chart, the admin and sprint owner can track the total number of hours spent on a particular sprint. They can also record the total billable and non-billable hours on a daily basis.  

User Summary

User summary represents the number of work items in each status against the respective user. You can track users who are assigned with the most work items in each particular status and in turn track the most engaged user. 
  1. Click View By and track the user summary either by estimation points or the number of work items assigned to each user in the sprint.

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