In this page, we shall learn how to create, edit, and manage milestones. We shall also learn about their four different types and how to use them effectively. Click to learn more about access privileges for Milestones. Click Projects and in ...
The My Milestones view provides a consolidated list of all your milestones in various statuses and allows you to access the associated task lists, tasks, and bugs. The milestones are classified into Active Milestones, Archive Milestones and Completed ...
Edit or Delete a task You can edit the task in Classic, Plain, and Kanban view. You can modify task details such as task comments, description, subtasks, log hours, documents, forums, and so on. Click open the required task in Tasks to edit. Change ...
The tasks, meeting and milestones assigned to you across all the project can be seen in the Google Calendar with the help of the gCal link available in the Calendar tab.