I have a form to enter my patient details. Can I create a unique code for each patient based on their DOB and Name combination?

I have a form to enter my patient details. Can I create a unique code for each patient based on their DOB and Name combination?

To create a unique code based on the Date of Birth (DOB) and Name combination, add a Formula field with formula expression as given below,

((((DOB.getMonth())) + Name) + (DOB.getDay())) + (DOB.getYear())


- DOB.getMonth, returns a number in the range (1 -12), representing the number of the month of the year, on which the date occurs.
- DOB.getDay(), returns a number in the range (1 - 31), representing the number of the day of the month on which the date occurs.
- DOB.getYear(), returns a number representing the year of the date.

For example, if DOB is specified as 07-Sep-1994, with Name as "Henry", the formula expression specified in the Code field, returns 9henry71994.

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