If I delete a field from one layout, will it be deleted from another layout where it is used as well?
No. If you delete a field from one layout, it will be pushed to the Unused Fields section for that layout. It will not be deleted from another layout. You can bring a removed field back to the layout from the Unused Fields section.
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If I change a field's properties in one layout, does it get reflected in another layout? Where it is used?
No. If you change the field properties of a field in one layout, the changes are effective for that layout only.
What will happen if custom field used in the action skip criteria is deleted?
When the custom field used in the Action Skip Criteria is deleted, the action will stop. You can edit the journey, create another version, change the criteria and activate. However, leads who have already entered the journey will continue to be ...
What will happen to the records if a layout is deleted?
When you attempt to delete a layout, you will be prompted to transfer the records of that layout to another existing layout. Once you've deleted that layout, the records will be transferred to the layout that you have chosen.
What will happen if custom field used in the eject criteria is deleted?
When the custom field used in the Eject Criteria is deleted, the journey will stop and cannot be activated again. You can clone the journey, change the criteria, and activate.
Customizing the User Layout
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