Import contacts from Shopify

Import contacts from Shopify

Disclaimer: This is the help page for users who have already associated their Shopify store and want to import contacts and send email campaigns. If you’re looking the help page for ecommerce solutions for Shopify, click here.

Zoho Campaigns enable you to import contacts from Shopify store. All you have to do is integrate your Zoho Campaigns account with Shopify and create sync. Then customers in your Shopify store can be automatically imported as contacts into your Zoho Campaigns account. You can send your store customers newsletters, follow-up emails using Zoho Campaigns.

Create Sync

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Sync Services

    All Contacts

  2. Navigate to Shopify sync setup and click New Sync. 

    Sync with Shopify

  3. Enter the following details, 
    • Sync Name- This is for internal reference.
    • Select the customer group. 
      • All - Imports all customers from your Shopify store.
      • Groups - Import details of a specific group of customers from your Shopify store.
      • Queued - Import details of customers who have just ordered from your store. .
    • Sync To- Select the mailing list in Zoho Campaigns to which you want to import the contacts. 

      Sync details

  4. Click Next.

Use case

I want to import contacts who sign up via a newsletter sent from my Shopify store's sign-up section. Can I set up a sync to do this?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Integrate your Shopify account with Zoho Campaigns.
  2. Create new sync and for Sync description, select Group as Customer option.
  3. Select the relevant group to import contacts associated with the sign-up section of your store.

Map Your Fields

You can map your Shopify fields to Zoho Campaigns fields in this section. Basic details such as email address, first name, and last name are pre-mapped. Mapping the email address field is mandatory. You can map additional fields by clicking on Map more link. Once done, click Save and Continue.

For instance, you can map the email address field in Shopify against the Contact email field in Zoho Campaigns.
Email Address (Shopify) = Contact Email (Zoho Campaigns)
First Name (Shopify) = First Name (Zoho Campaigns)

Map contact fields

How can I map additional fields in a Shopify sync?

You can map additional fields by clicking the Map more link. For example, you can map the Purchase date field from Shopify to a custom field in Zoho Campaigns.
Purchase date (Shopify) = Purchase date (Zoho Campaigns custom field)*
*To add a new custom field in Zoho Campaigns while mapping the fields, click the New Fields option.

Configure Sync Frequency

You decide how often data is imported from Eventbrite. The data can be retrieved just once, or you can set it to occur daily, weekly, or monthly.

  1. Select a sync frequency 
    • Retrieve Data - One-time import of customer details.
    • Sync Frequency - Set the import to recur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 

      Retrieve contacts

  2. Set the Sync Time - Choose your preferred time and time zone to import contacts. 

    Set sync time

  3. Select the data to be retrieved, 
    • All Data - Imports all customers from Shopify.
    • After - Imports only customers that have been added/modified after the specified date and time. 

      Retrieve data

  4. Click Initiate.

Sync Detail View

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Contacts and click on Sync Services

    All Contacts

  2. Click on Active Syncs under Shopify. 

    Active syncs

  3. Hover over the sync and click View Details.

You can view sync details like mapped list, and last retrieval time; contact details like number of newly added, re-added, duplicate and deleted contacts. The sync remains active till the completion of contact import.

Upgraded features

Edit Field mapping

You can re-map or map more fields for your sync settings by choosing the Edit Mapping in the Edit drop down.

Edit field mapping

Edit retrieval detail

You can edit the retrieval details such as retrieve interval, data to be retrieved and sync contacts configuration by choosing the Edit Retrieval Details in the Edit drop down.

Edit retrieval details

Import Details/History

Use this option to get a detailed history of the contacts synced from Shopify to Zoho Campaigns. You can see this in the detailed view of the sync.

Total Contacts
Contacts imported/synced in a single fetch.
New Contacts
Contacts added to the Campaigns organization.
Re-added Contacts
Contacts already deleted in Campaigns account but now added again.
Duplicate Contacts
Contacts already present in Campaigns account.
Ignored Contacts
Contacts are not added to the mailing list.
Deleted Contacts
Contacts deleted in Books account and getting updated in Campaigns as well. 

Ignored Contacts

Contacts are ignored during the import if they fall under one of the following categories,

Contacts bounced from the recipient's inbox, or email addresses do not exist.
Contacts added to the Campaigns organization.
Group Email(s)
Contacts having a role/group email address. For e.g. info@, administrator@, careers@, service@, support@, etc.
File Duplicate(s)
Contacts present more than once in the file.
Invalid Pattern
Contacts with an invalid pattern; e.g.,
Empty email address
Contacts whose email address field is missing.

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