Import contacts from Zoho Analytics

Import contacts from Zoho Analytics

Zoho Campaigns integrates with Zoho Analytics to help you build your mailing lists made out of analyzed data Analytics. The integration lets you import contact data from your database tables into Zoho Campaigns. You can map custom fields in Zoho Analytics to Zoho Campaigns to maintain your contact lists the way you want.

Learn more about how to integrate your Zoho Analytics and Zoho Campaigns.

Step 1: Sync Details

  1. From the Navigation bar, select the Contacts module. Select Sync Services.
    sync services menu
  2. Click New Sync.
  3.    analytics new sync
  4. Enter the following details
    1. Sync Description: Give your sync a name.
    2. Database Name: Choose the database you want to sync with.
    3. Table Name: Select the table with necessary contact data.
  5. Choose which rows to import:
    1. All Contacts: All contacts from your Analytics table
    2. Criteria: Only contacts meeting the criteria you specify (e.g., Email isn't empty)
    3. Mailing List Details: Select the mailing list in Zoho Campaigns to which you want to import the contacts.
  6. Click Save and Continue.
    sync details

Use cases

1. I have a Zoho Analytics query table, can I sync it with a Zoho Campaigns mailing list?

Yes, you can sync a Zoho Analytics query table with your Zoho Campaigns mailing list. Query tables contain data filtered from multiple Zoho Analytics tables based on a Select query. You can import query tables data as contacts into a mailing list.
For example, you have a query table containing details of customers who have purchased your products stored in the tables Sales-2017 and Sales-2018. You can import these customers into a mailing list called "Purchased" in your Campaigns account and use this list to send them newsletters related to product updates.

2. I want to sync contacts who attended the most recent event from a Zoho Analytics table into a mailing list in Zoho Campaigns. How can I do this?

You can add criteria while creating the sync. In the Sync Details page, choose Criteria in the Sync field and add the following criteria:
Events Involved contains Event_Name
Now, only contacts match the above criteria will be synced to your mailing list.

Step 2: Map Your Fields

You can map fields of the table with your Campaign fields, choose a Analytics field and map it with the corresponding Campaign field. Mapping the email address field is mandatory. However, you can add custom fields from your table by checking the New Field option. You can edit or delete a mapped field by clicking the respective icon displayed beside the mapped field.

map fields

Use cases

I want to map the Product Category field from a table in Zoho Analytics. I cannot find it under the pre-mapped fields, how can I map it?

You can use the Map more option in the Mapping fields step during sync. Product category is not a default field in Campaigns, so you will need to add a custom field for it. You can do this from the Mapping fields page during Zoho Analytics sync.

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Contacts and then Sync Services .
  2. Navigate to Map Your Fields page and click Map more .
  3. Select the required field from Zoho Analytics fields and check the New Field checkbox above Select Campaign Field dropdown.
  4. A custom field is created and data is imported into that field.

Step 3: Configure sync

You decide how often data is imported from your table. The data can be retrieved just once, or you can set it to occur daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your requirements.

  1. Select a sync frequency:
    • Retrieve Data: It is for a one time import.
    • Sync Frequency: Set the import frequency to recur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  2. Select the data to be retrieved:
    • All data: Imports all contacts' data from the table.
    • After: Imports only those contacts' data that have been added/modified after the specified date and time.
  3. Click Initiate. retrieval data


  • Once you set the option for import (All Contacts/Criteria), you will not be able to edit the preferences. To use different criteria, create a new sync.
  • To enable sync frequency option, there should be atleast one calander field in your table.

Use cases

1. Can I edit the details of an inactive Zoho Analytics sync?

You cannot edit sync details after saving it. Instead, create another sync implementing whatever changes you need to make in Sync Details page. You can have a maximum of 144 active Zoho Analytics syncs at once.

Sync Detail View

  1. From the Navigation bar, select the Contacts module.
  2. Select Sync Services . Then, click Active Syncs.  analytics active syncs
  3. Hover over the sync and click View Details view sync details

Edit Field mapping

You can re-map or map more fields for your sync settings by choosing the Edit Mapping in the Edit drop down.

edit mapping


Edit retrieval detail

You can edit the retrieval details such as retrieve interval, data to be retrieved and sync contacts configuration by choosing the Edit Retrieval Details in the Edit drop down.

edit retrieval details

Import Details/History

Use this option to get a detailed history of the contacts synced from Zoho Analytics to Zoho Campaigns. You can see this in the detailed view of the sync.



Total Contacts

Contacts imported/synced in a single fetch.

New Contacts

Contacts added to the Campaigns org.

Re-added Contacts

Contacts already deleted in Campaigns account but now added again.

Duplicate Contacts

Contacts already present in Campaigns account.

Ignored Contacts

Contacts are not added to the mailing list.

Deleted Contacts

Contacts deleted in Analytics account and getting updated in Campaigns as well.

Sync details

Ignored Contacts

Contacts who are ignored during the import if they fall under one of the following group,




Contacts bounced from the recipient's inbox, or email addresses do not exist.


Contacts unsubscribed from your org.

Group Email(s)

Contacts having a role/group email address. For e.g. info@, administrator@, careers@, service@, support@, etc.

File Duplicate(s)

Contacts present more than once in the file.

Invalid Pattern

Contacts with an invalid email address; e.g.,

Empty email address

Contacts whose email address field is missing.

2. When do I need to change the Zoho Analytics authtoken in Zoho Campaigns?

ZSC key is a sensitive field. Changing your ZSC key invalidates all the existing syncs. The only two times you would need to change your ZSC key in Zoho Campaigns are:

Change Authtoken

  1. From the Navigation bar, select the Contacts module.
  2. Select Sync Services .
  3. Navigate to Zoho Contacts sync setup and click Active Syncs. active syncs
  4. Click Settings tab.
  5. Click on Edit icon, which is beside Change account details section. Change Account details
  6. Make necessary changes and click Update. update account details

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