Installation - Python SDK

Installation - Python SDK

The SDK can be installed for your client application through Pip. Pip is a tool for dependency management in Python.

Installing Pip

Please refer the document below to install pip

Installing the SDK

Run the command below to install the Python SDK in your system.
  1. pip install zcrmsdk

You also need to have Python requests installed. Add the code "pip install requests", to install it.

Python SDK will be installed and a package named 'zcrmsdk' will be created in the installation directory of python (ex. '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages').

Upgrade the SDK

Run this command to upgrade the Python SDK to the latest version.
  1. pip install --upgrade zcrmsdk


Python SDK - An Overview
Register your application
Class Hierarchy
Responses & Exceptions
Errors & Solutions
Sample Codes
Release Notes
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