Integrate with Google

Integrate with Google

Zoho applications offer many points of integration with G Suite (formerly Google Apps) and other solutions like Google Analytics and Google AdWords. Below, we've linked to some help pages about popular ways to sync information between Zoho and Google applications. 


Google Emails
Import from Google then click on a contact to see your emails with them
Google Contacts
Import from Google (applies to all Zoho's finance apps)


Google Contacts
Google Documents
Google Analytics


Google Emails
Install our Chrome extension for Gmail which lets you view customer details, save leads and contacts, add tasks, and log notes without leaving your inbox.
Google Contacts
Google Calendar Events
Google Documents
Google AdWords
Measure the ROI of your AdWords campaigns by tracking how many sales each customer from AdWords generated


Google Emails
Link your support email address to automatically create tickets from inbound emails
Google Contacts
Google Analytics
Track traffic on your Zoho Desk Help Center


Google Documents
Import from Google Drive


Google Emails
Google Calendar Events
Google Documents
Google Tasks


Google Contacts
Google Calendar Events


Google Documents
Sign documents from Google Drive


Google Analytics
Track traffic through your websites

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