Inviting members to a network

Inviting members to a network

Network admins of internal and external networks can invite people by typing their email addresses or by uploading a .csv file containing the addresses. In case the admin hasn't verified their account, they'll need to complete the verification before inviting people.

To invite users:
  • Click Invite people to your network in the top-right part of the My Feed page.
  • Type out the email addresses and click Invite.
  • Or you can click Bulk invite and upload the .csv file containing the email addresses to be invited.
  • Once uploaded, the email addresses will be listed out.
  • Click Invite.
An invitation email will be sent. Once the users accept the invite, they will be able to access the network. 

The admins can also invite users by accessing the drop-down in the top-right corner of their Connect screen.
  • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of your Connect screen.
  • From the dropdown, select Invite Users.
  • In the new pop-out, you can invite users by adding their email addresses.
  • Or you can click Bulk Invite and upload the .csv file containing the email addresses to be invited.
  • Once uploaded, the email addresses will be listed out. 
  • Click Invite.
An invitation email will be sent to users and once they accept it, they'll be able to access the network.

Users can also be invited from the Settings page in Connect. Admins can view pending invitations from the Settings page.
  • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the Connect screen.
  • From the drop-down menu, select Settings.
  • In the new page, click Users and Profiles.
  • Click the + Invite Users button, seen in the right, next to Pending Restricted Guests.
  • In the pop-out, click Invite members.
  • You either type out the email addresses, or you can click Import CSV to upload a .csv file containing the email addresses to be invited.
  • Click Invite when done.

Users can be a part of only one internal network at a time. They can however belong to any number of external networks.
Possible reasons for a failed invite and the solution:
  • A person can belong to only one Zoho org at a time. When you invite someone who is already a member of another org, you will get the following message: "Invite to the following user failed as they are already a member of another org. In this case, the user would have to delete their existing org or contact their org admin and remove themselves from the org, and then join your network. You have the option to send them the invites along with the steps to remove themselves from their org.

  • The invite would also fail if the person has an account in a different data center. This is because we allow only one account to be associated with a data center. For example, if an account that has been created in the EU setup is invited to a be a part of the network that is in the US setup, then the user would have have to delete their existing account in the EU setup and create a new one in the US setup, and then accept the invite to join the network.

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