IP Restriction

IP Restriction

(Available in Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions)

Super Admins of Zoho Vault can allow or deny access to users based on their IP address. For example, they can prevent users from accessing their passwords from outside their office premises by only permitting access to specific IPs (office network). This restricts users from accessing their passwords from anywhere else.

Configuring IP Restrictions
You can configure IP restrictions by allowing and denying access to different IPs and IP ranges accordingly. To get started: 

  1. Select IP Restrictions from the Security section of the Settings tab and click Add
  2. Your current public IP address must be added to the list of allowed IPs to enable restrictions. Click Add
  3. Select IP range or Single IP and enter the corresponding IPs to configure restrictions accordingly. 
  4. Select Allow or Deny from Restriction Type to grant or deny access to Zoho Vault for the IP specified and click Enable Restriction. 


  • Select Allow Unknown IPs to let your users access Zoho Vault from any IP. We recommend you to always disable access to unknown IPs. 
  • Any restriction enabled will affect everyone in the organization except the super-admin. Select Restrictions from Admin Configurations section of the Settings tab and select Manage exemptions corresponding to IP Restrictions to selectively exempt users from this setting. 

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