Is there a limit to the number of approvers that can be chosen per approval process?

Is there a limit to the number of approvers that can be chosen per approval process?


The limit on the number of approvers depends on the limit on the number of entries. You can create up to 10 entries under “Who should approve”. Note that “10” is the limit to the number of entries and not people.

The number of entries will equal the number of people in case each entry is for an individual user. For example, you have created 10 entries. This equals 10 users. You cannot create any more entries as 10 is the limit for the number of entries.

But when you work with levels, there is a difference. In the case of levels, one user per level is chosen as the approver. There are 2 ways in which you can work with levels. For example,
  • You have created 10 entries of which 9 are individual users and the last one says "3rd level". If there are 4 users in the 3rd level, one among the four is selected as the approver. So the total number of people is (9+1=10).
  • You have created 10 entries of which 9 are individual users and the last entry says "Upto 3rd level". In this case one approver per level will be selected, regardless of the number of users in the level. So the total number of approvers will be (9+3 = 12) and not 10. Here the number of entries is 10 and the people is 12. This is possible as the limit applies only to the entries and not the people.
Note: One user per level is selected based on who is listed first.

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