View issue details and modify them. Add comments, attachments, provide resolutions, log hours, link other issues and tasks, view activity stream, follow issues, move or clone, and print the issue.
- Select a project and navigate to Issues.
- Click an issue.
- Add a description or update the details using Edit Description.
Edit the required fields under Issues Information. Hover over the field to view the edit option.
- The changes are saved automatically.
Scroll the issue details page to add additional information to the issue.
- Comments: You can add comments while modifying an issue. Use the screen-grabber to share screenshots or the in-built draw tool to highlight or obscure areas.
- Attachments: Attach and share screenshots using the screen-grabber. Attachments added in Comments and Resolution section are shown here.
- Resolution: Use this option to resolve the issue. You can also add attachments and screenshots when resolving an issue.
- Log Hours: Add the time you spent on resolving the issue. You can also set the start and end time.
- Link Issues: You can link and classify related issues.
- Tasks: Link related tasks to your issue. (Not applicable for stand-alone BugTracker subscriptions)
- Activities: View the history of the issue. The activities are listed chronologically.
- Follow or Add Followers to the issue. Click Follow to track the issue or Unfollow to stop. Click Add Followers to select and add project users to the issue.
- More Actions: Click in the upper-right corner to show more options. You can move, clone, or print an issue. Use Notification Helper to check if you will be notified for any given notification event.