You need not worry about missing deadlines anymore. Paid plan users can set reminders for issues and the assignee will receive a reminder email.
- Navigate to the Issues module and click Submit issue.
- Click Reminder.
- In case of Specific dateenter,
- Date
- and select users in the Notify users field.
- If the reminder is Based on the due date then enter,
- Reminder type
- Time
- and select users in the Notify users field.
- Click Set reminder.
In Reminder type, if you select:
- Daily: The reminder mail will be sent to issue owners daily till the due date.
- On due date: A reminder mail will be sent to the specified users on or before the due date.
- Day(s) before due date: A reminder mail will be sent before the due date based on the day(s) specified.
You cannot set reminders if: