Item process time

Item process time

Zoho Sprints now helps you calculate the total duration of all the work items across statuses in the sprint. Process time is the duration taken by a particular entity in the project. 
Item process time report
Track the time taken by each work item in your sprint based on the duration taken across each status. It helps teams to know the work items that took a maximum duration in a particular status.

How to navigate to the report?     

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. Select Item Process Time under Sprint Reports.
  3. Select the SprintStart, and End Dates.
  4. Click Get.  
Hover over the colored bars and view the duration of each work item across different status in your sprint.

Click View to the right end of each work item to view the Status Timeline



If you want to fetch only a particular set of criteria, you can use the filter option available in the report. 
  1. Click  at the right corner.
  2. Choose the required criteria. 
  3. Click Apply Filter.

Business scenario 

Helen is the project manager of 'E-shopping' website. She is been assigned with a task: Track the work item that has spent a longer duration in your sprint, break-down its complexity, and add more assignees. 
Helen can navigate to each work item in the sprint to view its duration. However, this process is time-consuming.  

Hurdle in manual tracking 
Say, if there are 50-100 tasks in a sprint and out of which Helen has to track the task that takes a longer duration. Helen now has to view all the 50 tasks to track that single task. This process is time-consuming and Helen would find it difficult as the work increases. To save time and make the process easier, 
Effective solution:  Helen can now navigate to reports and view the Item Process Time report

  Choose the required sprint.
  View all the work items, hover over the work items and track duration spent on each status. 
  Track the table below the chart to view the duration and status timeline against each work item.
  Below each work item, you can track the maximum time the work item has spent on a particular status. 

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