Job Opening Matches

Job Opening Matches


Finding the perfect job openings for your candidates is now more straightforward than ever with Zia’s Job Matching. Zia understands candidates as humans with career profiles instead of a string of keywords. This enables her to find “the perfect job” for your candidates as she can match their experiences, skills and proficiencies with your job openings and grade them accordingly. 
With Zia’s help, you’ll be able to match and associate candidates with job openings exponentially quicker as you’re presented with a list of jobs that are graded, assigned scores (ranging from 0 to 100) and ranked based on how much they match with your candidates’ skills & qualifications.


Permissions Required: Only users with the “Associate Candidate to Job Opening” permission can access this feature.
Edition Required: Available for the Professional & Enterprise plans of both the Staffing and Corporate editions of Zoho Recruit.

Matching Job Openings

To match job openings with your candidates,
  1. Go to the Candidates module.
  2. Click on the candidate you want to match jobs with.

  3. Click on the  icon.
  4. A list of jobs that match with the candidate (if any) will be displayed.

  1. Only a maximum of 20 matching jobs will be displayed.
  2. Jobs are displayed by the descending order of their Match Score.
  3. A job’s match score is calculated by matching its requirements with the candidates’ Skills and Qualifications. 
  1. You can then do the following:
  1. Quick Associate
    1. Hover over the job’s card view and click on the Quick Associate icon.

    2. Click on Associate.

  2. Bulk Associate
  1. In the list of matching jobs, click on the Associate All button to select all the jobs displayed in the list.

  2. To Select/Unselect the jobs you wish to associate the candidate with, click on the checkboxes in their card view and click on Associate Now.

  3. You can add comments and/or notes in this screen. Click on the Associate button to associate them with the candidate.

  1. To know more about the job opening click on the Quick View icon.

  2. From the job opening’s quick view, you can perform the following actions:

    1. Schedule Interview.
    2. Publish.
    3. Share to Vendors.


Before you start matching job openings with your candidates, make sure that;
  1. You have job openings present in your Zoho Recruit database.
  2. Your job openings match with the candidate’s domain and industry of choice. 
    For example, if the candidate has skills related to Sales & Marketing and all your job openings are for Software Developers, Zia would be unable to find any matches. 
  3. The candidate resume should have skills listed for Zia to find matching job openings. 
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