Job Status Categories

Job Status Categories


As you may already know, every job opening record in Zoho Recruit has a status associated with it. These statuses indicate what stage the job openings are in, so recruiters can better track their hiring process.
In Zoho Recruit, Job Opening Statuses are mainly classified into two categories: Open and Closed. Open statuses indicate the job opening is active; closed statuses indicate the opposite. All system-defined statuses (default statuses) are classified under the above-mentioned categories based on their applications. However, if you create a custom status, you’ll have to categorize it manually. 

How to categorize job statuses  

To edit status category:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Modules > Job Openings > Layouts.
  2. Hover over the Job Opening Status field and click Settings > Edit Properties.

  3. Click the + icon to add a Custom Status and enter the status’s name.
  4. Click the Open tag to change it to Closed.

  5. Click on Done.
  6. Click Save Layout.
  7. Navigate to the Job Openings Module
  8. Click the Job Opening you want to associate with your new Custom Status
  9. Click the Change Status icon.
  10. Select your new Custom Status from the dropdown and click Save.
  11. The job opening will now be closed. 

How to Filter jobs by Category

To filter your job openings: 
  1. Navigate to the Job Openings Module.
  2. You can filter your existing records to view only Open/Closed job openings using the filter provided on the left

How to create Custom Views

To create a Custom View:
  1. Go to the Job Openings Module.
  2. Click on the View Dropdown, then click Create View.

  3. Specify the View Criteria, then click Save 

  4. You will now be able to select your Custom View whenever you need to filter your job openings 

How it affects your Hiring Pipeline

Once you categorize a Job Status as Closed and associate it with a job opening, you cannot associate candidates with said job opening from the Hiring Pipeline Widget in the Home Page.

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