Journey reports

Journey reports

Once you've activated your journey you will be able to view the reports.

There are three types of reports:

  • Version-based report
  • Detailed report
  • Action-based report

Version-based report

To view version-based report:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Journeys and choose All journeys .
  2. Select the journey for which you want to view the reports.

In the journey's detail view select the version you wish to view reports for. Under the Version reports tab, you will get insight about the number of leads who:

  • Entered that journey version
  • Are under process
  • Are under end-of-journey
  • Were ejected from the journey version or process
  • Exited that journey version
  • Were ignored (those who unsubscribed and were moved into the Do-not-mail registry are counted in this category)

Clicking each of these will display the list of leads. From here, you can trace the path taken by your leads in the journey. Click on the leads' email address to trace their path.

You can also trace the leads path from under the Lead path tab. Here, you can enter the lead email address, click Trace path and view the lead's path.

Version-based report

Detailed report

Detailed report has more illustrated stats than just plain numbers. It includes Summary, versions-based report, goal-based report, lead-based report, and messages-based report. To view the detailed report click the Reports button on the top-right corner from the detail view page.

To view detailed report:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Journeys and choose Journey reports .
  2. Select the journey for which you want to view the reports.

Summary includes an overall count of leads in every stage (entered, exited, under process, under end-of-journey, ejected and ignored), time-based report, user agent stats, location-based stats, locations with maximum number of opens, top clicked URLs, and leads who've reached milestones.

  • Overall report

    Under this report you can view the number of leads who:

    • Entered the journey
    • Have achieved the journey goal (if a goal is set)
    • Are under process
    • Are under end-of-journey
    • Were ejected from the journey or process
    • Exited the journey
    • Were ignored (those who unsubscribed and were moved into the Do-not-mail registry are counted into this category)

    Clicking each of these will display the list of leads.

  • Time-based report

    From the time-based report you can see the number of leads who've entered and exited your journey in a given period.

  • User agent stats

    These stats show you the hardware and software used by your leads for opening your email. With these stats you can find out how well your email is performing in a specific device, operating system, or web browser.

  • Locations-based stats

    With this map, you can view the countries in which your emails have been opened.

  • Top five stats

    This part of the report shows you the top five locations where your messages have been opened and the top five URLs clicked.

  • Milestones

    If you have set milestones in the journey, you will be able to view the number leads who reached the milestone.

Versions-based report

Version report includes opens and clicks for each version, as well as the leads count in every stage under each version.

Goal-based report

Goal-based report includes overall stats, time-based reports and list of goal achievers.

  • Overall stats

    Under this report you can view:

    • The number of who entered the journey
    • The goal achievers target you've set
    • The number of leads who achieved the goal

  • Time-based reports

    From the time-based report, you can see the number of leads who've achieved the goal in a given period.

  • Goal achievers

    Here, you will be able to view the list of leads who've achieved the goal.

Goal-based report

Lead-based report

This report will give you a list of leads under each stage of the journey.

Messages-based report

Messages-based report includes overall stats, time-based report, activities-based recipient list and message-specific report.

  • Overall stats

    Under this section you will be able to view the following:

    • Number of emails sent
    • Number of emails delivered
    • Number of emails bounced
    • Number of opens
    • Number of clicks
    • Number of unsubscribes

  • Time-based report

    Under time-based report, you will be able to view the total number of opens and clicks made over time.

  • Activities-based recipient list

    Under this section you will be able to view the list of recipients who have opened and clicked the autoresponder messages.

  • Message-specific report

    Under this section, you will be able to view the total number of recipients, opens, clicks, bounces and unsubscribes for a specific message. To view a detailed report of every message, click View detailed report button next to the message report. This will take you to the Reports page , which displays the message delivery rate, open rate, click rate, number of unsubscribes, recipient activity, user agent stats, and more.


Share report

From this section, you can share journey reports with your colleagues. They can access the report through the link that will be generated. You should secure your lead information with a password.

To share a journey report:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Journeys and choose Journeys report .
  2. Click the journey that you want to share the reports for.
  3. Select the Share reports subtab.
  4. Fill in the following details,
    • Page title - You can have your journey's name as the title or enter a title of your choice.
    • Access Code - Provide a password to protect your leads' information.
  5. Click Generate report link to generate the report URL.

With this URL, the journey reports can be accessed.


  • Report links expire 15 days from generation.
  • Journey reports can be shared with anyone. A Zoho MarketingHub account is not necessary for access.

Share report

Action-based report

To view action-based report:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Journeys and choose All journeys .
  2. Select the journey for which you want to view the reports.
  3. Click Reports icon next to the action you want to view reports for.

Under action-based report you will gain insight on the following:

  • Total - Number of leads who had passed through the action component
  • Completed - Number of leads the action was performed on
  • Skipped - Number of leads who match the skip criteria and skip the action
  • Ignored - Number of leads who unsubscribed and were moved to the Do-not-mail registry
  • Missed - Number of leads who passed through when the action was paused


Next steps 
Manage your journeys.  

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