Kanban view

Kanban view

Kanban cards are an easy, dynamic way to create and visualize your workflow. In Kanban view, issues are arranged by status such as To be tested, In progress, Complete and so on so that every team member knows what’s required to be done at any time.

Kanban cards in Zoho Projects allows you to:

  1. Customize kanban cards and view workflow
  2. Reorder Issues workflow
  3. Color Issues workflow

To add, edit, and delete issues from Kanban View refer, Manage issues.

Kanban view of issues

Select the required project and click Issues. Click Kanban to view Issues as kanban cards.

Customize kanban cards and view workflow

Click Status to customize your view of Kanban cards. You can custom-make Kanban cards and view the issues based on different criteria: Status, Severity, Classification, Module and Is it Reproducible.

Click  when you position the mouse pointer over the customized view to add a new status. You can delete the new field from Status & Workflow in Issue Settings. Kanban view helps you to easily visualize the flow of work and manage any bottlenecks in the project. The timer is displayed for issues that are assigned to you and you can log hours based on the time spent on an issue.

Change Issue status

You can drag and drop issues from one status to another. This will update the status of the issue.

Color Issues workflow

You can color your Kanban cards to add more visibility and highlight the status of the issue to decide your priority and view the workflow easily. This option is available only in Kanban cards that are displayed based on Status. Click  and select color code for the status.

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