Latency Chart

Latency Chart

Do you want to track all inactive work items in your project? You can do so using the all-new  Latency chart 

How does the report track inactive work items? 

Latency Chart fetches all the work items that have been inactive for a period of three days. A work item is considered to be inactive: 

  • If it's inactive from the start.
  • If it was moved from one status to the other on the board and stayed inactive after the status update.  
  • If it was modified and stayed inactive for three days.

Viewing the report

  1. Navigate to Reports in the left panel. 
  2. Select  Latency from the Charts section.
  3. Select an option from the Backlog / Sprints drop down.

  • Latency Chart will only fetch the inactive work items from the Backlog, Active, and Upcoming Sprints.  
  • The X-axis represents the number of days a work item was inactive and Y-axis represents the number of inactive work items.

View work item details

You can click the particular inactive days bar to view the list of all the inactive work items. Click on a particular work item to navigate to its details page. 


Filter work items

  1. Navigate to  Reports in the left panel. 
  2. Select  Latency from the  Charts section.
  3. Click    next to View By
  4. Select the criteria and click  Apply Filter

In the filter option, you can pick the  Duration to view the inactive work items. You can select an option and enter the days and hours.  

View work items by time

Latency Chart helps you fetch the work items either by the created time or modified time. time.    

Use case 1:  Helen wants to track all the work items that are inactive right from the start. 

  • She can pick  Created Time from  View By to view only the work items that are inactive from the start. 

Use case 2:  Helen wants to track all the work items that are inactive from the time they were modified (be it a status update or change in work item details).

  • She can pick  Modified  Time from  Vie   By to view only the work items that are inactive from the modified time. 

Export latency chart 

You can click the  Other Actions icon next to the chart name to export the chart.

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