Layout Rule Exceptions

Layout Rule Exceptions

Layout rules are effective on creating a record manually. However, when a field used in a layout rule is updated through other ways such as workflow update, and APIs, the field update takes precendence over both these rules.

These instances are explained with further examples below:

Layout Rules - Details of the exceptions


You have a layout rule for the Leads module that says,

<<If Lead Source is Tradeshow, make the Emailaddress mandatory.>>

This layout rule will work when you manually create or edit a record in CRM and update the Lead Source tTradeshow. However if the Lead Source is updated as Tradeshow via the following means, Email address will NOT be made mandatory and as a consequence, the Email address field value will be empty.

Means of field update in CRMField update details
ImportUpdated on importing new leads or overwriting existing records
Workflow rulesUpdated as a result of workflow action
APIsUpdated via API updateRecords method
Mass updatePrimary field used in a layout rule will not be available for mass update.
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