Lead Conversion and Deal Closure Prediction

Lead Conversion and Deal Closure Prediction

Sales people work hard towards building a strong sales pipeline. By predicting which leads or deals will work and which ones won't, Zia prepares you for the best and the worst of your pipeline so that you can sell more and sell better.

Zia predicts the probability of every lead's conversion and deal's closure. Based on the past data, Zia reads the correlation between the record's characteristics, your interactions with the prospect and gathers the respective outcome. Over a period of time, she gradually picks up these key attributes to predict the conversion probability in percentage between 0-100 (0% being highly unlikely and 100% being highly likely). You can be dynamic and decide your conversion strategy based on this probability.

For example, leads with a higher probability percentage could easily be handled by your sales reps with your regular sales process. However, leads with lesser chances of conversion, might require some extra effort from the sale rep, such as a frequent and personalized follow-up strategy or a marketing campaign with an exclusive offer. This way, Zia assists you in handling the leads and deals in a better way and work towards converting and closing them easily. 


Permission Required
All the users can access this feature.

Lead Prediction

Your CRM account must have the following criteria for predicting the conversion of leads:

  • A minimum of 300 converted leads.
  • A minimum of 300 not qualified leads to understand the pattern of leads that do not convert in your sales process.
  • Two months of active usage of the Leads module.
  • At least 30% of total leads must either be converted or marked as not qualified.

To enable lead prediction

  1. Go to Setup  >  General  >  Zia .
  2. Select Leads under the Prediction tab and click Get Started
  3. Under the Map Lead Status section, select the lead status that you would like to mark as junk or not qualified. 
    Lead status from all the layouts that you have created will be displayed.

  4. Click Save and Enable.

  • Only if all the conditions are met, Zia will start predicting the lead conversion. 
  • Once the lead status is mapped, you can modify the same from Edit Properties under Lead Status field. Click Here .

Lead Status Mapping

Map the lead status as Junk or Not-qualified based on your requirement. This allows Zia to predict the likeliness of a lead getting converted by learning the pattern of conversion of your existing leads. 

To map lead status

  1. Go to Setup  >  Customization  >  Modules and Fields.
  2. Click options against the Leads module and choose Lead Status Mapping.
  3. Select the layout of your choice from the drop-down list.
  4. Map the chosen lead status as Junk or Not contacted of your choice and click Save.
To map lead status at the time of module customization
  1. Go to Setup  >  Customization  >  Modules and Fields and choose  Leads  module.
  2. Select the layout of your choice.
  3. In the  Lead Status  field click  More  >  Edit Properties.
  4. Map the appropriate picklist options as Not contacted or Junk and click Done 

View Lead Conversion Predictions

Zia predicts the chances of a lead getting converted and you can view the percentage probability in the  Leads' details  page and  Lead's List View  page.

To view the lead conversion prediction in your Leads' details page

  1. Go to the Leads module.
  2. In the  Leads Home  page, click open a record.
    You will be able to view the lead's conversion probability as a percentage next to the lead's business card details.

To view the lead conversion prediction in your Lead's List View page

  1. Go to the Leads module.
  2. In the Leads Home page, select the  All Leads list view from the drop-down list.
    A column named Prediction will list all your leads' conversion probability.

Deal Prediction

Your CRM account should have the following criteria for predicting deal closures:
  • A minimum of 1000 Deals must have been created and closed in the last 15 months.
  • A minimum of 300 Closed Won Deals, and 300 Closed Lost Deals are needed.
  • At least 20 Deals must have been closed in the last 30 days.

To enable deal prediction

  1. Go to Setup  >  General  >  Zia .
  2. Select Deals under the Prediction tab and click Enable 

View Deal Closure Prediction

Zia predicts the probability of closing (won or lost) a deal and you can view the percentage in the Deal's details page and Deal's List View  page. You can also view all your deals in the Prediction view, where they are organized based on the deal prediction by Zia. By having you deals categorized based on their winning probability, you can clearly focus on the areas that need attention to build a strong pipeline. 

To view the deal prediction in your Deals' Detail page

  1. Go to the Deals module.
  2. In the  Deals Home  page, click open a record.
    You will be able to view the deal's winning probability as a percentage next to the deal's business card details.

To view the deal prediction in your Deal's List View page

  1. Go to the Deals module.
  2. In the  Deals Home  page, select the All Deals list view from the drop-down list.
    A column named  Prediction  will list all your deals' winning probability.

To view deals in Prediction view
  1. Go to the Deals module.
  2. Click the Zia icon.
  3. In the Prediction View, you can view the deals listed in three categories namely,
    • Likely to Win in 10 days
    • Likely to Win this month
    • Likely to Lose

    Additionally, the Kanban View of deals will also show you the prediction score of all your deals. 

  • The Conversion Prediction by Zia is based on your CRM data and also the interactions that you have with the lead or deal in real time. Therefore, accuracy of the prediction gets better with as many data points that you have activated in your Zoho CRM account as possible with communication channels, such as email, telephony, social media, and others.
  • Using advanced filters, you can filter records based on their conversion prediction. Click  here  to learn more.