List Tools

List Tools

Use List Key for API

To access list management API methods, you need a mandatory parameter "listkey". The listkey represents the mailing list you're trying to access. This purpose of this key is to add contacts to a mailing list and is used to access the mailing list using API.

To view the list key for a list:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to view the list key.
  3. Click the Setup subtab.
  4. Copy the List key.
    list key

Mail-in --Sending Email Campaign from Webmail Client

Jeff wants to send an email campaign via Zoho Campaigns and he has already created and designed an email from his personal email client. But, it is not possible to send this email as an attachment and send it to his mailing list in his campaigns account. In such cases, Zoho Campaigns comes to his rescue and helps him with a feature called Mail-In.

Every mailing list has its unique email-sending id called Mail-In that can be used to import your email campaign from Jeff's email client. Once, Jeff sends the email campaign to this unique mail-in id, we store the campaign in the form of draft and later on, you can proceed by sending the email campaign to desired mailing list. Let us dive through how to setup and send campaign to Jeff's campaigns account using Mail-In feature.

To generate the unique Mail-In id:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to generate the mail-in id.
  3. Click the More subtab and then click Mail-in.
  4. Copy the unique Mail-In address displayed in the page.
  5. Paste it in the To address. Send the email from your email client to this Mail-In Address.
  6. You'll receive a Confirmation mail from Zoho Campaigns account stating that your email has been created as a draft campaign in your account.

generate mail in

  • The subject line of your email will be used as the subject line for your draft campaign.
  • Always use single Mail-In address in TO header.
  • Only emails from verified addresses will be accepted.
  • You cannot forward your email as an attachment.


Zoho Campaigns introduce webhooks as a service that lets you collect information about the campaigns you send and also about the contacts in your lists. Zoho Campaigns provides two types of webhooks:
  • Contacts Webhook: This webhook allows you to keep track of contacts activities in your mailing lists such as subscribes, unsubscribes, and bounces.
  • Campaign Webhook: This webhook allows you to keep track of your campaigns' status from the time of campaign creation to delivery to its recipient.

Consider the following example. Steve has to send an important campaign to a specific list of contacts and generate certain insights from his campaign. There are three tasks that Steve needs to perform in order to generate data:

  1. Keep track of the campaign to make sure the campaign is sent successfully
  2. Make sure the campaign is sent to all the contacts in the list
  3. Identify if any contacts have left or newly joined the list

These are multiple tasks that usually take time if performed manually. Webhooks automates the manual tasks and sends you periodic updates of information in the event of the above actions taking place. So Steve can simply setup a URL in his application that would collect all the data he needs and notify him with the updated information.

Associate a Webhook

At some point, you may need to collect information across various lists of contacts and campaigns in your account. This can be accomplished by associating a webhook from one list to the webhooks of another list. You can also create new webhooks for the same list and associate them to the existing webhook to get more information.
To associate a contact or campaign webhook follow the steps below:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts.
  2. Select Manage Lists and select the list for which you want to add a webhook.
  3. Click the More tab and select Webhooks.
  4. Click Associate.
  5. In the Associate Webhook pop up, fill in the following information:
    • Select an existing webhook of another list or add a new webhook.
    • Select the action to be notified.
    • Select who should perform those actions.
  6. Click Done.

Disconnect a Webhook

You can disconnect a webhook connection from a specific list. However, the webhook will still exist in the webhook list page. There are two ways to disconnect a webhook:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts.
  2. Select Manage Lists and select the list that you want to disconnect a webhook from.
  3. Click the More tab and select Webhooks.
  4. Locate the webhook you want to disconnect from the list and click the Disconnect icon on the top-right corner.disconnect icon


  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts.
  2. Select Manage Lists and select the list from which you want to disconnect a webhook.
  3. Click the More tab and select Webhooks.
  4. Locate the webhook you want to disconnect from the list and click the Reports icon.
  5. Click the View Details icon in the top-right corner and click the Disconnect icon.

Delete a Webhook

You can delete a webhook from a list and its associated lists in the Settings page. It will be removed from the list of webhooks in the Settings page.
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Webhooks.
  2. Locate the webhook you want to delete and select it.
  3. Click the Delete icon on the top-right corner of the details page.delete webhook icon


This section lets you view information about a webhook. You can Filter to view all or only failed or successful webhooks invoked in your lists. There are two ways to view reports:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts, select Manage Lists.
  2. Select the list that you want to view the webhook reports for.
  3. Click the More tab and select Webhooks.
  4. Locate the webhook and click the Reports icon in the top-right corner.


  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Webhooks.
  2. Locate the webhook that you want to view logs for and select it.
  3. Click the Reports icon on the far right corner of the details page.

View Webhook Details

Webhook details let you view all the information affiliated with a webhook. You can edit a webhook, view reports and disconnect a webhook on this page. There are two places where you can view webhook details:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts.
  2. Select Manage Lists and select the list for which you want to view the webhook logs.
  3. Click the More tab and select Webhooks.
  4. Locate the webhook and click the Reports icon on the top-right corner.
  5. Click the View Details icon on the top-right corner of the reports page to view webhook details.


  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Settings and select Webhooks.
  2. From the list of webhooks displayed, click on the webhook for which you want to view details.

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