Mailing list management

Mailing list management

List management is a macro level to deal with contacts and take actions on them at your convenience. This provides a detail view of contacts with respect to mailing lists.

Create list

Once you create your Zoho Campaigns account, you'll be redirected to our welcome page, where you can start creating your first mailing list or email campaign.
To create a mailing list:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click Create List in the top-right corner of the screen.
    create list button
  3. Fill out the following information in the Create List page:
    1. Name - This is the name of your mailing list, for internal reference.
    2. Categorize the mailing list by associating it with a topic/purpose depending on your email marketing type.
    3. Tell contacts how you know them - To maintain transparency, it is mandatory to let the contacts know why they’re receiving this newsletter. This information will be added in the footer section of every email campaign.

  1. If you have chosen GDPR compliant email marketing, you'll have to associate all the new mailing list that you create, with a purpose(purpose of email marketing).
  2. If you have chosen either Permission-based email marketing or Consent-based email marketing, you'll have to associate your new mailing lists with a topic.
  3. It is recommended to associate your new mailing lists with a topic/purpose, so that all your mailing lists are categorized.
  4. You can send newsletters to only categorized mailing lists.
Once your mailing list has been created, you can use multiple methods to add contacts:
  1. Add Contacts – Manually add contacts.
  2. Import Contacts – Import contacts from your computer, Zoho CRM, or Google Sheets.
  3. Sync Contacts – Sync your Zoho Campaigns account with other Zoho apps and third party apps to import contacts from those apps.
  4. Add Signup Form – Create your own signup form to add contacts directly from various sources.

Edit list

You can edit the mailing lists to enable or disable a signup form, adjust the details in the lists.
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the mailing list, you wish to edit.
  3. Click the More icon and then click Edit list.
    edit list
  4. A pop-up will appear where you can edit the list.
  5. Click the Save button to confirm.
    edit list popup

Delete list

In email marketing business, you may feel a list is absolutely useless and might want to get rid of it. Well, though you can delete a list, you don't have to necessarily delete the contacts in the list. You can delete just the list and still maintain the contacts associated to the list. To delete a list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the mailing list, you wish to delete.
    delete list option
  3. Click the More icon and then click Delete List.
  4. A pop-up will appear where you can delete the list.
  5. Click the Delete button to confirm.
  1. You can select the checkbox to delete the contacts that are associated with this mailing list.

Export contacts

You can export the contacts of a mailing list to create a backup data. You can choose the fields, file format that you want to export. To export contacts of a list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the mailing list that you want to export.
  3. Click the More icon and then click Export Contacts.
    export contacts from list
  4. A pop-up will appear where you need to fill out the following information:
  5. Filter by Date – Select date and time and choose if you want to export all contacts or based on added/updated time.
  6. Select Fields – Choose the fields you wish to export.
  7. File Name – Give a suitable name and choose the file format you wish to use.
  8. Click Export as <required format>.
    export contacts

Zoho Campaigns does not include any kind of harmful information or data into your exported files. However, as a precautionary measure to safeguard yourself from unknown security threats, it is recommended that you look for warnings about executable operations when you open an exported file in MS Excel. Please refrain from updating any commands in the CSV file exported from Zoho Campaigns.

Mass update fields

You can update a specific field for bulk contacts in simple and quick way.
To mass update contacts of a list:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the Mailing List, you wish to mass update the contacts.
  3. Click the More icon and then click Mass Update.
    mass update option
  4. A pop-up will appear where you need to fill out the following information:
  5. Select the field from drop-down menu, you wish to update.
  6. Specify a value for the field to be updated.
  7. Click the Proceed button and then Update to confirm changes.
  1. You can select a specific segment of a mailing list or select few contacts under All Contacts to mass update fields.
  2. You can also select contacts through global and advanced search and mass update the fields.

Mass update a new custom field

Yes, you can mass update a new custom field for bulk contacts. To mass update contacts of a list:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the Mailing List, you wish to mass update the contacts.
  3. Click the More icon and then click Mass Update.
    mass update contacts
  4. A pop-up will appear. Click Add new custom field link to create a new custom field.
    add new custom field
  5. Specify a value for the field to be updated.
  6. Click the Add button and then Update to confirm changes.
    add custom field

Clear List

You can delete the contacts of a mailing list while keep the mailing list intact.
To clear contacts of a list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click the mailing list that you want to clear.
  3. Click the More icon and then click Clear List. A pop-up will appear.
    clear list
  4. Click Go Ahead to confirm.

Merge lists

If you feel the same set of contacts from two different lists are interested in the same product/newsletters, you can combine both mailing lists to create a new one. This could also be for maintaining a master list for your contacts, getting rid of duplicate or to maintain a backup for your contact details. To merge the mailing lists:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click More and select Merge Lists in the top-right corner of the page.
    merge lists
  3. In Merge Mailing Lists page, click the From List to select the mailing lists you want to merge.
  4. Now, click the To option to select the mailing list to drop-down menu to merge your contacts to an existing mailing list.
  5. Click Merge to confirm.
    merge mailing list popup
  1. You can enable "Delete From Lists after merging" checkbox to delete the mailing lists chosen in From List drop down.
    delete from list

Export contacts

You can export your contacts in any format so that it provides a backup for your database. Apart from this, if you’ve sent a campaign to a mailing list, you can easily track the active contacts. While exporting the list, we’ll give the option to filter only active contacts. Thus, you can maintain a clean list by importing the active contacts to a new list. To export the mailing lists:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click More and select Export contacts in the top-right corner of the screen.
    export contacts
  3. In Export Mailing List page, do the following:
    1. Export – Choose the type of contacts to be exported.
    2. Added by – select the users whose contacts you’d like to export.
    3. Filter by Date – Select a time to export contacts based on activity
    4. Arrange by – Opt on how you want to arrange the contacts.
    5. Select fields to be exported – Select the checkbox fields to include additional information.
    6. File Name – Give a name to the file to be exported.
    7. Click the format (CSV, TSV, XLS, JSON, etc.); you want to export the file.
      export contacts popup

Based on GDPR guidelines and to maintain data security, the exported document will be password protected. You can open the document by entering the first four characters of your email address and the last four numbers of your Zoho user ID.

Import History

The Import Overview page contains all of your imported contacts' details. You can view a generated report on your contacts after the import is complete. Zoho Campaigns makes it easy to view the entire history of imported contacts in a single step. To view the import history:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists. Lists.
  2. Click More and select Import Overview in the top-right corner of the screen.
        import overview
  3. In the Import Overview page, you can view the number of newly added contacts, duplicate contacts, and ignored contacts. Just click one of the numbers to view the related contact details.
    import overview screen
Why are some of my contacts ignored?
There are a few reasons why you may see some contacts excluded from your list:
  1. Bounced - Mail was undeliverable to the contacts or the email address doesn't exist.
  2. Blocked- Contacts blocked by Zoho Campaigns.
  3. Do-Not-Mail - Contact has been moved to do-not-mail registry.
  4. Role-based email addresses - Contact address is generic. E.g., info@, administrator@, careers@, service@, support@, etc.
  5. Duplicate entries - Contact is present more than once in the file.
  6. Invalid Pattern - Contact has an email address in an invalid format. E.g., "", "jane@aol", "ted@zylkercom"
  7. Empty Email - Contact's email address field is empty.
  8. Other Errors - Contacts categorized as miscellaneous and don’t fall into the above-mentioned categories.
What is the difference between delete, unsubscribe, and do not mail?
There's a subtle difference between these three operations, let us take a look.

What does it do?
Contacts will be removed from the mailing list. You can add them again if necessary.*
When a contact unsubscribes, they would either be removed from that mailing list or the organization depending upon their choice. You can unsubscribe a contact from a mailing list if you want.
You can move the contact to do-not-mail registry if you do not want to send emails further to that user or if they unsubscribe from the organization, they'll be moved to do-not-mail registry.
Who and when can you perform this operation?
You can delete any contact provided you have the necessary privilege.
Contacts who have signed up or imported via other products can unsubscribe either from a mailing list or the organization. You can unsubscribe a contact if you do not want to send them camapigns.
You can move any contact to do-not-mail registry provided you have the necessary privilege.

A contact can unsubscribe from the organization if they want to.

How can this operation be reversed?
You should add the contact in the list manually.
Contact can either sign up again or click the resubscribe button in the unsubscribe confirmation email.
Contacts can be added back to list by the user who moved the contact to do-not-mail registry. If they've unsubscribed from the mailing list, they should subscribe again.
*Re-adding deleted contacts is not advisable. Please try to avoid this.

Why aren't group email addresses accepted while importing?
Zoho campaigns restrict the import of group email addresses such as,and These email addresses have a high probability of email getting landed in the spam folder.

Archive sent email campaigns on website

You can make your sent email campaigns public by embedding the campaign archive code on your website or social media account. This will make your contacts or public members to have an instant access of sent campaigns, newsletters and updates. You can consolidate the past campaigns and make it viewable on your website so that anyone can view as well as share on social media.

To generate the campaign archive code:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the list that you wish to archive the campaigns that were sent.
    campaign archive
  3. Click More and select Campaign Archive in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. If you've specified your email campaigns to be listed in the campaigns' archives, you'll get redirected to the Archive Code page.
  5. In the Archive Code page, click Archive Settings button.
    archive settings
  6. Customize your Archive Display by selecting the options below.
    1. Click the Show drop-down menu to select the maximum number of campaigns to be displayed.
    2. Click the Sort drop-down menu to select your chronological preference.
    3. To show or hide the Campaign Sent Date, choose the related radio button.
    4. To show the campaign in the same or separate window, select the related radio button.
    5. Select campaigns, you wish to show, in the section.
    6. Click the Generate Archive Code button.
    7. In Archive Code page, copy the generated code displayed in the box. Paste this code into your website to embed the sent campaigns.
      generate archive code
  1. You can click Preview My Archive button to view how your campaign archive would look on your website.
  2. You can change the maximum number of campaigns displayed by changing the number in the embedded code.

Edit Archive Code

You can edit your archive code and select the options to show the campaign sent date, select your preferences such as chronological order, open in separate tab.
To edit your Archive code,
  1. In the Archive Code page, click Archive Settings button.
    archive settings
  2. Customize your Archive Display by selecting the options below.
  3. Click the Show drop-down menu to select the maximum number of campaigns to be displayed.
  4. Click the Sort drop-down menu to select your chronological preference.
  5. To show or hide the Campaign Sent Date, choose the related radio button.
  6. To show the campaign in the same or separate window, select the related radio button.
  7. Select campaigns, you wish to show, in the section.
  8. Click Generate Archive Code.
  9. In Archive Code page, copy the generated code displayed in the box. Paste this code into your website to embed the sent campaigns.
  1. You can make a campaign visible or hidden on your website by choosing the campaign under Displaysection.
  2. Alternatively, in the final stage of sending an email campaign, click the Campaign Archive button. In the drop-down box select the check box to make your campaign visible.

Archive Reports

In the archive section of your website, you can view a social bar which will reflect the various social media sites where the contact or a public member can like, comment, tweet and share the campaign archive on leading social media. The report based on social stats would be updated in the social stats section of Campaign Reports.
To view archive based social stats:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Sent Campaigns.
  2. In Sent Campaigns page, click on the sent campaign.
  3. Go to the Social Stats situated on the right side menu.
  4. Here you'll view the social media reports under Campaign Archive.

Add contacts to a list

To add contacts to an existing mailing list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the list in which you want to add contacts.
  3. Click Add Contacts icon.
    add contacts icon
  4. Now, you can use multiple methods to add contacts:
    1. Add Contacts – Manually add contacts.
    2. Import contacts – Import contacts from your computer, Zoho CRM, or Google Sheets.
    3. Add Signup Form – Create your own signup form to add contacts directly from various sources.

Create campaign for a list

To create campaign from a mailing list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the mailing list for which you want to create and send an email campaign.
  3. Click Create Campaign icon and select either Regular Campaign or Advanced Campaign.
    create campaign

Create segment for a list

To create segment for a mailing list:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Mouse over the mailing list out of which you want to create a segment.
  3. Click Create Segment icon and choose Create Segment option.
    create segment

List Setup

Zoho Campaigns lets you customize your mailing lists according to their specific purpose. To view list setup:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List.
  3. Select Setup to view the list details.
    list setup

Listed below are the various details you can use to identify your mailing lists.

You can give a specific description for your mailing list explaining its purpose. This information will be displayed in the email campaign's footer area. To edit the description click Edit Description on its right corner. Enter your description and click Update.

Signup Forms

Associating your mailing list with signup forms lets you decide if new contacts can join the mailing list through their signups. To choose this option:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List to enable signup forms.
  3. Select Setup to view the list details.
  4. Enable signup forms to allow new contacts to join this mailing list.

List Key

To access list management API methods, you need a mandatory parameter list key. The list key displayed represents the mailing list you're trying to access. The purpose of this key is to add contacts to a mailing list and is used to access the mailing list using API.

To view the list key for a list:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to view the list key.
  3. Click the Setup tab.
  4. Copy the list key displayed under List Key.
    List tools


Jeff wants to send an email campaign via Zoho Campaigns and he has already created and designed an email from his personal email client. But, it is not possible to send this email as an attachment and send it to his mailing list in his campaigns account. In such cases, Zoho Campaigns comes to his rescue and helps him with a feature called Mail-In.

Every mailing list has its unique email-sending id called Mail-In that can be used to import your email campaign from Jeff's email client. Once, Jeff sends the email campaign to this unique mail-in address, we store the campaign in the form of a draft and later on, you can proceed by sending the email campaign to the desired mailing list. Let us dive through how to setup and send an email campaign to Jeff's campaigns account using Mail-In feature.

To generate the unique Mail-In id:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to generate the mail-in address.
  3. Click Setup.
  4. Copy the unique Mail-In address displayed under Mail-in from your email client to this Mail-In Address.
  5. You'll receive a Confirmation email from Zoho Campaigns account stating that your email has been created as a draft campaign in your account.generate mailin address

  • The subject line of your email will be used as the subject line for your draft campaign.
  • Always use single Mail-In address in TO header.
  • Only emails from verified addresses will be accepted.
  • You cannot forward your email as an attachment.

List Notification

You can setup a notification email that provides the daily report on the number of new contacts joining the selected mailing list. The report will be sent on daily basis and will provide detailed information about the newly added contacts joining your mailing lists via Sign-up form or through APIs.

edit list notification

To setup list signup summary:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to receive a notification email.
  3. Click Edit next to List Notification.
  4. In List Sign-up Summary page, do the following:
    • Choose the frequency of notification email.
    • Select the timing and time zone details
    • Select Mailing Lists.
    • Click Save Preferences.
      list signup preferences

  • You have 8 Time Slots to schedule the Sign-up summary email.
  • Every user can configure one's own List Sign-up summary email that can include other user's list. (If they are shared)

List Summary

List summary provides a detailed view of all the contacts you have in your mailing lists. To view list summary:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select Manage Lists.
  2. Click on the Mailing List, you wish to see the list summary.

List Growth

A time based graph highlights the number of contacts added to your mailing lists over a period. You can view the list growth chart for a specific time period by selecting the particular time frame from the drop-down in the top-right corner and clicking Apply. Mouse over the dots to view the number of contacts added on a specific day.

List Growth

Last Five Campaigns Stats

This graph represents the number of contacts who have unsubscribed and its respective percentage. It also displays the number of contacts to whom the email campaign was delivered.

Last Five Email Campaign Statistics

Campaign Count

Displays the number of regular and advanced campaigns associated to this mailing list.

Unsubscribe Feedback

This bubble chart represents the various reasons that contacts have unsubscribed from this mailing list.

Unsubscribe Feedbacks

Signup Form Stats

This chart represents the sign up form associated to this mailing list along with its number of contacts who have viewed the form, submitted the form for sign up and email confirmations for sign ups.

User Agent Statistics

This statistic gives you information regarding all the devices and software used by the user to open your email campaign. It can further be classified into:

Devices and Operating Systems – It provides information about the various gadgets (Computer, Tablet and Mobile) and operating systems (Android, Linux, Windows, and Apple) used to open your email campaigns.

Email Clients – It lists out the different email clients such as Outlook, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc. used by contacts to receive your email campaigns.

Web Browsers - It lists out the different web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc. Used to access your email campaigns.

Web Browsers

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