Manage Consent

Manage Consent

We aim to protect individuals from spam that has been sent through any mode of communication. As an email marketing service, we ensure that all our users get permission from their leads before sending emails.

Zoho MarketingHub's Manage Consent feature allows users to choose the type of email marketing they wish to carry out. You can select 1 out of the 3 types of email marketing depending on their requirements and restrictions(if any). You can also switch from one type to another at any time.

The three types of email marketing are:

  • Permission-based email marketing: When users have leads that have actively given permission or requested to receive email newsletters, they may carry out this type of marketing.
  • Consent-based email marketing: When leads have explicitly expressed consent to receive emails from a user or the user has leads who have already shown interests in the services offered by the user.
  • GDPR compliant email marketing: When users wish to stay compliant with the regulations of GDPR or if any of their leads reside in the Europe Union, they have to carry out this type of email marketing.

All the three types of email marketing will have the following tabs in common:

Summary: This will give you an overview of the consent status of your leads. In the page, you can see the following:

  • The type of email marketing you are currently using.
  • Topic hierarchy that is currently being used.
  • List of leads with different consent statuses.
  • Details of the consent email and the reminder emails that you have sent to your leads.

E-mails: This page will keep a track of all the consent emails that you have sent to your leads. You can see the following in the page:

  • List of consent emails that are active, disabled and drafted.
  • The mailing lists to which it has been sent, details about the email series by selecting a consent email from the list.

Lead preference: This is the email that you send to your leads via which they can update their email preferences.

  • Setup and customize the preference page and thank you page for the "Lead Preference" email that you send out to your leads.
  • Configure, setup and customize the preference page and thank you page for the "Topic Management" email via which your leads can choose the topics of their interest.

Other settings: In this page you can:

  • Configure the details and settings for pushing leads into Zoho CRM.
  • Customize the emails that will be sent to your leads in response to their reply to your consent email.
  • Customize the email that will be sent to your leads when their data is erased from the organization.
  • Customize the emails sent, via which your leads update their email preference and also the response email sent once they update their preference.

The Manage Consent feature also defines five different categories of leads:

  1. Opt-in leads: The leads in your mailing lists who have opted to receive newsletters through sign-up forms.
  2. Implied leads: The leads who were manually added or imported into your mailing lists.

    When you add or import your leads as Implied you can process their data on a certain lawful basis of data processing. The lawful basis for data processing are:

    • Legitimate Interest - This is the most flexible lawful basis for processing, and can be the interests shown by your leads.
    • Contract - When you have a contract with a subscriber and you need to process their personal data under the contract.
    • Vital Interests - These are intended to cover only interests that are essential for someone’s life. Hence, this lawful basis is very limited in its scope, and generally applies to matters of life and death.
    • Public Task - When you are carrying out a specific task in the public interest or exercising official authority that is laid down by law.
    • Legal Obligation - Use this when you are obliged to process the personal data of your leads to comply with the law.
    • Consent - Offering a person real choice and control. Genuine consent should put that person in charge, build trust and engagement, and enhance your reputation. In email marketing, people are generally referred to as leads.
  3. Expired leads: The leads in your mailing lists who have not been contacted in the last six months.
  4. Expressed leads: The leads who have given consent to receive newsletters.
  5. Unresponsive leads: The leads who have not given consent to receive newsletters.

Purpose of sending emails

In order to carry out GDPR compliant email marketing, you will have to choose the purpose of sending emails to your leads. One of the best practices in email marketing is being clear about the purpose for which you wish to send emails and newsletters to your leads.

Single Purpose

Single purpose means users only have one reason to engage their leads.

Use case: You want to send emails to all your leads about latest product updates. Here, purpose would be latest product updates. If this is the case, choose Single Purpose, mention which data processing basis you use to process the data of your leads(in this case, sending emails) and continue.

Multiple Purposes

Multiple purposes mean users have more than one reason to engage their leads.

Use case: You have a certain set of leads in a mailing list to whom you want to send emails about the latest updates in your product. In this case, the purpose for that mailing list would be Latest Product Updates. There is another mailing list to which you want to send emails for rebranding your product. Here, your purpose is Rebranding. To send emails to the two mailing lists, choose Multiple Purposes, specify the target mailing lists for the two purposes, mention the data processing basis and continue.


It is an important step that you specify the lawful basis on which you process the data of your leads. You should set the processing basis as Consent if you wish to send emails to your leads only when they give an explicit permission. When you have multiple purposes for email marketing, you can set the data processing basis as Consent for more than one purpose. With this, you can choose to get consent from your leads in different mailing lists that you have for different purposes.

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