Manage Contacts

Manage Contacts

Contacts are individuals who represent a company with which you have a business relationship. Often contacts are related to a company, but certain organizations may serve individual customers as well. In that case, the contact will not be part of a company and you have a business relationship with the contact directly. 

Contacts module in Bigin allows you to add all your contacts in one place along with the companies that they are related to. Adding all necessary informations such as name, address, phone number, email helps in getting in touch with them easily. The record details page displays everything that you need to know about a contact such as activities, notes, email interactions, social interactions, deals and attachments. You can also create them from the record details page. Timeline displays the history of everything that is done to a record in the Contacts Module.

You can view the list of contacts using the standard list views available or create a custom list view of your choice. Various actions such s sending mass email, adding or removing tags, updating a field, changing the owner of a record can be done from list view.

Create contacts 

Bigin allows you to create contact in the following ways:
  1. Create Contacts individually
  2. Import Contacts 
  3. Capture contacts from website using webforms 

Create Contacts Individually 

To create contacts individually

  1. Go to the Contacts module and click  .
  2. Enter the details in the Create Contact page.
  3. Click Save.

Import records

When you have a huge list of contacts in a spreadsheet and you would like to add them as contacts in your Bigin account, you can import the file and they will be added as contacts. See More.

Capture contacts from Website using Web form

You can use webforms to capture the submissions made by your visitors as contacts in your Bigin account.
See more.

Edit Contacts

You can choose to edit the contacts that you have created.

To edit contacts
  1. Go to the Contacts module.
  2. Hover over the record which you would like to edit and click the edit button or select the record which you want to edit and click the edit button.

  3. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Delete Contacts

Contacts once added can be deleted if no longer necessary.

To delete contacts
  1. Go to the Contacts Module.
  2. Hover over the record which you would like to delete and click More > Delete.
    Alternately, select the record which you would like to delete and click More > Delete.

  3. Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted.

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