Manage epic activities

Manage epic activities

Filter epic

  1. Navigate to  Epics from the left panel.
  2. Click  to the left of your epic name.
  3. Select  Filter .
  4. Select the filter criteria and click  Apply Filter .

Export epic

  1. Navigate to  Epics from the left panel.
  2. Click   to the left of your epic name.
  3. Select  Export .
  4. Select the required fields and click  Export 

Reorder epics

  1. Navigate to  Epics from the left panel.
  2. Click reorder icon next to + Epic 
  3. Drag and drop the epics or enter the sequence number to reorder.
  4. Click  Save .

View epic progress

You can view the completion percentage of the epic. Hover over the percentage to view the total and completed work items in the epic. Hover over the bar below your sprint to track the individual progress of the sprints associated with your epic.

Progress by points and items

If you are looking to view the progress of your epic, you can view it either by estimation points or work items. 
  1. Progress by points:  Track the overall progress of your epic based on the total and completed estimation points of all the work items. 
  2. Progress by items:  Track the overall progress of your epic based on the total and completed work items. 
  1. Navigate to Epics.
  2. Select  next to  .
  3. Click Progress by Points or Progress by Items in the drop down.
  4. Hover over the percentage  to the left of your epic name to view the Total and Completed count

Scope of viewing your epic progress

An epic is considered to be a larger user story that contains work items across different sprints. When compared to a sprint, an epic has a maximum number of work items which takes a longer duration to complete. 
"Teams that work agile estimate their effort either based on the estimation points that are assigned to the work items or directly depend on the number of work items".

Case 1:  Say Clare created an epic and has added all the relevant work items. Her team estimates the progress only by using estimation points. She wants to know how many points are completed in the epic right. How can she track the number? 
Solution:  Using the 'Progress by Points' under each epic she can easily track the  Total Points in each epic  and the  Completed   Points . She can also track the completion percentage (%) of the epic and analyze in-depth progress of each epic using the Epic Progress report.

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