Manage Jobs

Manage Jobs

Users will be able to view,
  • Jobs created by them.
  • Jobs requested by them.
  • Jobs in which the user has view Permission in the Layout. 
  • Jobs in which the user can perform one or more Transitions.
Access Privileges :  
  • Admin users will be able to view all the jobs.
  • To view other jobs, View permission under Access Control must be enabled.

Mention (or) tag users in comments

You can mention users while adding comments to jobs. The tagged users will be sent email, web, and mobile notifications based on their notification preference

To mention a user in the comment,
  1. Type ‘@‘ in the comment box and start typing the user name. 
  2. Select the user name from the suggested list of names. 
  3. Click Post Comment

  1. Only the users who accepted invite to join the organization can be tagged in comments. 

  2. Users of the following categories can only be tagged: Job assignee, Job requestor, Transition performer, Layout creator, or Teams assigned to the job.

  3. You can tag any number of users to a comment.

  4. A comment can hold a maximum of 50,000 characters.  

Customize job columns in list view

Pick the job fields you want to view and hide the rest using customization options.
  1. Navigate to the Jobs tab and click    to the left of Job ID.
  2. Toggle the button to enable or disable the columns.
  3. Click Save. 

  • Job ID and Title are mandatory fields and cannot be disabled.
  • On selecting a layout from the layout view, field labels associated to this layout will only be displayed in the dropdown.
  • If no layout is selected in the view , the field title and all associated field labels will also be displayed in the dropdown.

Filter jobs

Filter your job  to view specific work items.
  1. Navigate to the Jobs tab and select the Filter dropdown.
  2. Select the required Filter options.
  3. Click Find. 
Dropdown and User Dropdown custom fields will be displayed as a category to filter.

Save filter as custom view

You can save the filtered jobs as a new Custom View. Once the jobs are filtered:
  1. Click Save in the top-right  corner to view Add Custom View pop-up. 

  2. Enter the details and click Save

Export jobs 

You can export the data available in jobs either as an XLS or CSV file. 

Jobs present under the selected view and filter will be exported. 
  1. Navigate to the Jobs tab.
  2. Use the view and filter options to display the jobs that need to be exported.
  3. Click   in the top-right corner of the page. 
  4. Depending on your requirement, select Export as CSV or Export as XLS.
  5. Now, you will be prompted to encrypt your file. Click Yes, if you opt for encryption. Else, click No.
The exported file will be downloaded to your computer. Encrypted files can be accessed only with password. 
  • Encrypting your files ensure safety of confidential data. 
  • If you are exporting more than 3,000 jobs in one go, a URL to download your file will be emailed. This URL will expire in 7 days.

Import jobs

Orchestly allows users to import their jobs saved in XLS, XLSX, or CSV files. Importing jobs to Orchestly helps to automate them and track their job progress efficiently. 
  1. Navigate to Jobs.
  2. Click   in the top-right corner of the page and select  Import Jobs.
  3. Fill in the details:
    1. File Type : Choose the type of file you are about to upload. 
    2. Upload File : Attach the file to be imported.
    3. Layout : Select a layout in which the jobs must be imported. 
  4. Click  Proceed.

The first three rows of the uploaded file will be displayed as a preview. 
  1. Map the file headers with relevant fields of the chosen layout.
    1. All the mandatory fields must be mapped.
  2. Date Format : Choose the date format used in the uploaded file. 
    1. One of the following date formats must be used in the imported file: MM/dd/yyyy, dd/MM/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, dd-MM-yyyy, yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy/MM/dd.
    2. If the file's date format differs from the organization's current format, it will be reordered to maintain consistency.
  3. Time Format : Choose the time format used in the uploaded file.
    1. The time format used in the imported file can be 12 or 24 hours.
  4. Click  Import

An import will be scheduled by Orchestly. The status of the import will be emailed to you.
  1. Sample CSV and XLS file can be downloaded for reference. 
  2. Uploaded files must be UTF-8(Unicode) encoded.
  3. Ensure that there are no empty rows or columns in the file.
  4. The Jobs will be mapped to the relevant blueprints, based on their criteria.
  5. The created Jobs will not be assigned to any user.
  6. Dropdown and Multi Select fields can only be mapped with the options predefined in their Layout.
  7. Multi Select field values must be comma-separated.
  8. Only 5000 Jobs can be imported at once.

Access Privileges : By default, Admin Users  will be able to import jobs. For all other user profiles, the Import Jobs   permission under Access Control  must be enabled. 

Edit job

  1. Navigate to Jobs and select the job you wish to edit from from the List View.
  2. Modify the job details.
  • The layout associated with a job cannot be modified. 
  • Job ID is generated based on the chosen layout and cannot be edited.
Access Privileges Admin  Users will be able to edit the jobs associated with them, as well as others. For all other user profiles, the Edit permission under Access Control must be enabled.

Move jobs

You can move your jobs  from one blueprint to another under the same layout.
  1. Navigate to the  Jobs  tab and select the List view.
  2. Click on the job you wish to move.
  3. Click   at the top right corner and select  Move from the dropdown.
  4. Choose a Blueprint from the available list of blueprints and click Move.

  • Jobs can be moved only to published blueprints.
  • Jobs can be moved only to blueprints that are enabled.
  • If no other blueprints is available, the job can be moved to the Common Blueprint .
  • If the job is already in Common Blueprint, the job cannot be moved. 

Delete job

  1. To delete a job, select the job you wish to delete from the List View.
  2. In the ensuing page, click   in the upper right corner and select  Delete
  3. Confirm your action.

Access Privileges Admin Users will be able to delete the jobs associated to them as well as others. For all other user profiles,  Delete permission under  Access Control must be enabled.

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