Manage project

Manage project

View project details

  1. Navigate to Projects
  2. Select a project card and click   .
  3. Click Details.
  4. View the details of the project.

Edit a project

  1. Navigate to Projects.
  2. Hover over the project card and click  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Update the Primary Information and view the users in your project.
  5. Click Update.
You can also edit the project from the top navigation band. Click Details and edit the project details.

Delete a project

  1. Navigate to Projects .
  2. Hover over the project card and click  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Delete to delete the project.
Once you delete the project from your team it cannot be recovered. Make sure you check carefully before you delete the project.

Search by projects

  1. Navigate to Projects.
  2. Click View by All   drop down in the upper-left corner.
  3. Enter the project name in the Search by Project field.
  4. Select projects specific to any of the following categories: AllFavorites Groupand Owner.

Add a project group

While creating a project, you select the group field and select the group name from the list. If you want to create a new group, just enter the group name in the field and click Quick Create. You can also edit the project group right from Edit Project screen. Click    in the project card, select Edit, click the Group dropdown, enter the group name, and click Update.

Edit project group

You can edit the project group in the All Project screen.
  1. Select View   by Groups   from the   View By   drop down.
  2. Click    next to the group name.
  3. Modify the group name and click Save.

Pin and unpin projects

The recent three projects are listed in the top band. Select Other Actions and click Pin . Now, the selected project is pinned in the top band and will not be removed even if you access a new project. All the pinned projects are identified with  .

Three in one function:

  • Unpin Other Actions > Unpin
  • Close :  Other Actions > Close
  • View Details Other Actions > Details
You can pin your most frequently accessed two projects in your team.

View by projects

There are two different project views:
  1. Navigate to Projects .
  2. Click    in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select either Active or Archive .
  • Active: Displays all the active projects in your team.
  • Archive: Displays all the completed projects in your team.
Only the Admin can access the archived projects. If the project is archived, the other users cannot view the project. They must contact the admin for permissions. 

Reorder projects

You can reorder projects and project groups and view the project list the way you prefer.
  1. Navigate to Projects
  2. Select  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Reorder .
  4. Drag and drop the projects and groups or change their sequence number to swap.
  5. Click Save or Reset .
  6. Click  next to the project name and group to sort the projects and groups alphabetically.
Only Admin can reorder the projects in the team. 

Archive projects

You can archive the completed projects and access them when you need it.
  1. Navigate to Projects .
  2. Click  in the upper-right corner of a project card.
  3. Select Edit in the project details page.
  4. Change the Project Status to Archive .
  5. Click Update .
  • Only Admins can archive a project. 
  • You cannot edit or delete an archived project.

Modify project settings

You can modify the project settings right from the projects page.
  1. Navigate to Projects.
  2. Select a project card in Projects .
  3. Click  in the upper-right corner.
  4. Click Settings .
You will be redirected to the project setup page and from there you can configure your project details.

Favorite projects

  1. Navigate to Projects.
  2. Pick a project.
  3. Click the star icon in the left end of the project card to add the projects to your favorites. 

Search projects and templates

You can now search for projects and templates easily using the all-new search option in the top panel. 
  1. Click    in the top panel.
  2. Enter the project or template name in the search box.
  3. Click the project or template.

Note: You should have a minimum of three projects in your team to view this search option. 

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