Manage Roles

Manage Roles

In Zoho Recruit, you can set up the organization-wide hierarchy using Roles. Users at a higher hierarchy can always access all the records of at a lower hierarchy. For example, a Senior Recruiter can access all the Recruiters' records whereas Recruiters can access only their records.

Key Features
  • Users with a CEO role have access to the entire database within your organization.
  • Managers in the role hierarchy cannot view or edit their subordinates' records if they do not have the "Read" or "Edit" permissions for the type of record.
  • Users at a higher role can access other users’ data below their hierarchy. For example, a Senior Recruiter can access his/her subordinates' data.
  • By default, users of the same role cannot access each other's data. For example, the VP Engineering cannot access the VP Marketing data and vice versa though they are in the same hierarchy.
  • By default, users at the top of the hierarchy cannot view the data shared to their subordinate users through custom sharing rules. However, you can enable access rights to the managers by using the Superiors Allowed option while creating a data-sharing rule.
  • Using the Share Data with Peers option you can enable sharing of data among users of the same role.
  • One must have read/write access to the primary record to add Notes, attachments or send email to it.

You can create roles only if you have more than one user in your Zoho Recruit account. 

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