Manage Service Appointments

Manage Service Appointments

Scheduling Service Appointments

All the service appointments in the Dispatch Console are initially scheduled by assigning it to a field technician or crew. The appointments can be scheduled from the Work Order Details page as mentioned here. It can also be done from the Dispatch Console as described below:
To schedule service appointments from Dispatch Console:
  1. Click the Schedule button for the service appointment you want to schedule.
    The service appointments to be scheduled will be in the New status.

  2. Select the Service Resource to whom you want to assign the service appointment. Enter the Start Date/Time, End Date/Time if required and click Schedule.
    The Start Date/Time and End Date/Time can be scheduled for different dates. One or more resource can be assigned to the appointment.

The Lead field will be displayed only when more than one Service Resources are added.
While scheduling, if the Start Date/Time or the End Date/Time falls outside the organization business hours, then a confirmation message will be displayed. You can either choose to continue scheduling the appointment outside the business hours or change the timings.

Dispatching Service Appointments

When a service appointment is dispatched, the field technicians assigned to the appointment are notified in their FSM mobile app through push notifications.

To dispatch a service appointment:
  1. Click the Dispatch button for the service appointment you want to dispatch.
    The service appointments to be dispatched will be in the Scheduled status.

  2. Click Dispatch in confirmation message.

Multiple appointments can be dispatched at a time using the Dispatch button at the bottom-right corner of the Dispatch Console.

After the service appointment has been dispatched, the status changes to Dispatched. On clicking Details, the service appointment details can be viewed. The service appointment details can also be viewed by clicking the service appointment bar in the Gantt view.

Once the field technician starts work on the service appointment, then the status of the service appointment changes to In Progress.

In the Gantt view, the progress of the service appointment is indicated by an expanding bar starting from the appointment's actual start time to the current time, superimposed on the existing bar for the service appointment (see screenshot below).

All the service appointment statuses described thus far and the subsequent statuses are based on the configuration in Blueprint Settings.

Viewing Service Appointment Details  

The following details about a service appointment will be displayed under the following sections:

Service Appointment

The Field Technician and Dispatcher can create the service report in the mobile app. Refer to the mobile help page for details on Trips and Service Report.

Work Order

Click Details for a service appointment in the Service Appointment List and select the Work Order tab. 


Click Details for a service appointment in the Service Appointment List and select the Contact tab. The details of the customer for whom the service appointment has been created will be displayed. Also, the History of all the service appointments created for the Contact will be displayed. Clicking on the individual service appointments will show the details of that service appointment.



Refer to this page for details on billing and invoicing.

Editing Service Appointments

Until it is dispatched, a service appointment details can be edited (i.e. the Scheduled Start/End time and the assigned field technician/crew can be changed).

To edit a service appointment:
  1. In the Service Appointment List, click Details from the more options [  ] menu for the service appointment you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit SA from the more options [] menu in the service appointment details overlay (see screenshot below).
  3. Make the necessary edits in and click Schedule.

Rescheduling Service Appointments 

While the status of the appointment is Dispatched, a service appointment can be rescheduled (i.e. the Scheduled Start/End time and the assigned field technician/crew can be changed). Once the appointment is rescheduled, all the actions associated with dispatching an appointment takes place.

To reschedule a service appointment:
  1. In the Service Appointment List, click Details from the more options [  ] menu for the service appointment you want to reschedule.
  2. Click Reschedule from the more options [] menu in the service appointment details overlay (see screenshot below).
  3. Make the necessary edits in and click Schedule.

Adding Notes 

To add notes to a service appointment, click Details for a service appointment in the Service Appointment List, add the notes in the Notes section under the Service Appointment tab and click Save.

The different stages of a service appointment is based on the Blueprint Settings.

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