Manage task lists

Manage task lists

Edit / Delete a Task List

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Ensure you are in the Classic View and hover over a task list.
  3. Click  to edit or delete a task list.
    • When you edit, you can modify the task list name or change the associated milestone.
    • When you delete, the task list will be deleted with all its associated tasks.

Move a Task List

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Ensure you are in the Classic View and hover over a task list.
  3. Click  to move a task list.
    • When you move a task list, the dependency between the tasks and other task lists is lost

Closed Task List

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Click  .
      in the upper-right corner and choose Closed Task Lists.
    • You can view the list of all the closed tasks and it's task list for the project.

Reorder Task List

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Click  .
      in the upper-right corner and choose Reorder Task List.
    • Reordering helps you prioritize and rearrange the task lists based on your project needs at a later point of time.
    • You just need to drag and drop the task lists to reorder and then click Save task list order to save.

Collapse Task List

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Click  near the task column to expand the task lists and click  to collapse task lists.

Flag your Task List as External

If your task list is not associated to any milestone or if you do not have any milestones, you can directly change the task list flag as External to collaborate with clients.

  1. Navigate to your project and click Tasks in the left panel.
  2. Ensure you are in the Classic View and hover over a task list.
  3. Click  and click Edit Task List.
  4. Set the Task List Flag to External.
    • The External option is distinctly displayed next to the task list name, signifying that there are no associated milestones.

Make a Task List Template

  1. Hover over a task list name and click .
  2. Choose Make As Template to save the task template.

Complete a Task List

You can complete a task list and move it to closed task list, so that you can track your deliverables.

  1. Hover over a task list name and click .
  2. Choose Mark As Complete to close the task list along with it's associated tasks.

However, if there are open task(s) in the task list that you wish to complete, a warning message about the open task(s) is displayed.

Task List Chart View

You can view a pie chart for a report on the task list.

  1. Hover over a task list name and click .
  2. Choose Chart View to view the task list chart.

You can view tasks based on users, open tasks, and closed tasks.


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