Manage Team Folder Settings

Manage Team Folder Settings

Let's take a look at how Team Folder type, external sharing, download, and file conversion settings can be set in a Team Folder. Note that only the Admins in a Team Folder can manage its settings.

Team Folder Type

There are two types of Team Folder: Private Team Folder and Public Team Folder. If you are a Team Folder admin, you can change the team folder type from private to public, and vice-versa.

Private Team Folder
Only the members who have been added to a private Team Folder can access its files and folders.

Public Team Folder
Anyone on your team can view and join a public Team Folder. All team members can browse through its documents, participate in discussions, and contribute value.

To change the Team Folder type:

1. Navigate to the left panel and click on a Team Folder to open it on the right.
2. Click Manage next to the Team Folder name in the top and select Settings from the dropdown.

The Settings tab will open.

3. If it is a private Team Folder, choose Public. If it is a public Team Folder, choose Private.

File Upload via Email

Team Folder admins can choose to allow team members and external users to send files to their Team Folders via email.

If file uploads via email is enabled in a Team Folder, WorkDrive will generate a unique email address for the Team Folder. Any attachments sent to this email address will be uploaded to the default Email Attachments folder or the location you specify in the Team Folder.

To allow or restrict file uploads via email:

1. Navigate to the left panel and click on a Team Folder to open it on the right.
2. Click Manage next to the Team Folder name in the top and select Settings from the dropdown.

The Settings tab will open.

3. Toggle ON/OFF Allow file uploads via email.

When you allow file uploads via email, WorkDrive will generate a unique email address for the Team Folder.

4. Click Generate new to generate a new email address.

Once a new email address is generated, the old email address will be invalid and WorkDrive will no longer allow file uploads  through that email address.

5. Click Copy email to copy the email address, then share it with other team members or external users to allow them to upload files via email.

6. Attachments sent to the Team Folder email address will be uploaded to the specified location in that Team Folder. The default folder location will be Team Folder -> Email Attachments. To change the folder location, click Change location. Once the folder location is changed, all new files sent via email will be uploaded to the new location.

7. Mark the checkbox below Folder location if you want to allow only email uploads from members with editor, organizer, or admin roles in this team folder.

Files sent via email will not be uploaded to the specified location in a Team Folder if:
  1. File uploads via email is disabled in the Team Folder
  2. The user has no permission to upload or their role has been changed
  3. The Team Folder is no longer available
  4. The Team Folder email address is invalid or it has been changed
  5. Your WorkDrive storage is full
Based on the email service you use (such as Gmail, Outlook, or Zoho Mail) to upload files, their respective upload limitations will apply to:
  1. Maximum size per file
  2. Total number of files to be uploaded in an email
  3. Total size limit of all files in an email

External Sharing in a Team Folder

Team Folder admins can choose whether to allow files and folders to be shared outside this team or not.

  • If external sharing is disabled at the team level, then Team Folder Admins cannot enable or disable it in their Team Folders.
  • If external sharing is enabled at the team level, then Team Folder Admins can choose to enable or disable external sharing in their Team Folder.
  • If external sharing is enabled in a Team Folder, only the Admins and Organizers of the Team Folder can share files and folders externally

To choose external sharing setting in a Team Folder:

1. Navigate to the left panel and click on a Team Folder to open it on the right.
2. Click Manage next to the Team Folder name in the top and select Settings from the dropdown.

The Settings tab will open.

3. Toggle ON/OFF Allow Files to Be Shared Outside This Team to enable or disable external sharing.

Allow or Restrict Downloads

Team Folder Admins can allow or restrict the option to download and print files in a Team Folder. When download is restricted in a Team Folder, team folder members with the viewer role, and team members with view-only access on shared files and folders will not be able to download and print files.

To allow or restrict downloads in a Team Folder:

1. Navigate to the left panel and click on a Team Folder to open it on the right.
2. Click Manage next to the Team Folder name in the top and select Settings from the dropdown.

The Settings tab will open.

3. Toggle ON/OFF Allow Download.

  1. This download setting will not apply to externally shared files and folders from the Team Folder. Note that for each external share link, you have the option to allow or restrict downloads separately.

  2. If a Team Folder member (with Viewer role) is also part of a Group that is added to the team folder (with Editor role or above), the member can download or print files irrespective of the download setting in the Team Folder. Support for Groups is only available for Zoho One users.

  3. When download is restricted in a Team Folder, team folder members with the viewer role, and team members with view-only access on shared files and folders will not be able to sync any files or folders to their computer using the WorkDrive Desktop Sync app.

File Conversion in a Team Folder

Team Folder admins can choose whether newly uploaded files are automatically converted to Zoho WorkDrive' s format (Writer, Sheet and Show) or not.

Only when the file conversion is enabled at the team level, and Team Folder admins are allowed to choose this setting, the Team Folder admins can enable or disable the automatic file conversion setting in their Team Folders. Learn more

To choose the file conversion setting in a Team Folder:

1. Navigate to the left panel and click a Team Folder to open it on the right.
2. Click Manage next to the Team Folder name in the top and select Settings from the dropdown.

The Settings tab will open.

3. Toggle ON/OFF Convert All Files to Zoho WorkDrive's Format on Upload to enable or disable file conversion.

You can upload files with the formats such as .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx, and preview them in Zoho WorkDrive. To edit these files, you need to convert them to Zoho WorkDrive's format.

Zoho's built-in Office Suite helps you edit documents, sheets and presentations using Writer, Sheet and Show respectively. Learn more

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