Manage timesheets

Manage timesheets

Add log hours

  1. Navigate to  Timesheets  in the left panel. 
  2. Click  + Log Hours  in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Select the  User,  Work Item,  Date,  Hours,  Billing Status, and  Description
  4. Click  Add  to log hours for the work item.  
The date in which you log the hours should fall within the project creation date to the current date. 

Type of views  

Timesheets comes up with two different views:
  1. List view  - Displays the list of work items with their log hours, billing status, approval status, and owner. 
  1. Grid view - Displays all the users and the hours logged by them either by week, month, year, or quarter. 

List view

  1. Navigate to Timesheets.
  2. Choose List View.
  3. Select either by Date or User in View By.
  4. Choose BacklogActiveUpcomingCanceled, or Completed Sprints from Select From.
  5. Click View.   

Quickly add log hours 

  1. Select Timesheets and view all the logged hours. 
  2. Scroll down and select  + More Log Hours
  3. Select the User,  Work ItemBilling Status (Billable or Non-billable), and  Hours
  4. Click Add to log hours.

Filter log hours 

  1. Select  Timesheets  in the left panel. 
  2. Click   in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Choose the filter requirements: Assignee, Date, Approval Status, Billable Status, and Item Type
  4. Select Apply Filter

Export log hours

  1. Select Timesheets in the left panel.
  2. Click    in the upper-right corner next to the Filter 
  3. Select Export Timesheet. (You can also click Export History to view the history of your export).  

Edit log hours 

  1. Navigate to Timesheet
  2. Choose the work item that you want to modify. 
  3. Click     in the left corner. 
  4. Select Edit and modify the changes. 
  5. Click Update

Delete log hours 

  1. Navigate to Timesheet
  2. Choose the work item that you want to edit. 
  3. Click    in the left corner. 
  4. Select Delete.

Approve log hours

  1. Navigate to Timesheets.
  2. Select the work items in the List View.
  3. Click Approve.   

Reject log hours

  1. Navigate to Timesheets.
  2. Select the work items in the List View.
  3. Click Reject.
  4. Add your reason for rejection.
  5. Click Comment.

  1. Only the Admin and Sprint Owner can approve or reject the log hours.
  1. Only the Admin and Managers can approve or reject the log hours for the work items in the backlog. 

Bulk update log hours

You can update the log hours of the work items in bulk. 
  1. Navigate to  Timesheets.
  2. Select a particular work item.
  3. Choose  Select All
  4. Bulk update -  Approve, Reject, Billable, Non-billable, Delect Log(s).

View log hour details

  1. Navigate to  Timesheets.
  2. Select a particular work item.
  3. Click   and click View Details

Grid view

  1. Navigate to Timesheets.
  2. Choose Grid  View.
  3. Select the Period (Weekly, Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Quarterly). 
  4. Choose BacklogActiveUpcomingCanceled, or Completed Sprints from Select From.
  5. Click View.

Add log hours   

You can either click + Log Hours in the upper-right corner or click on the particular cell and add your log hours. 

View log hours

You can click eye icon to view all the logged hours for the work items on that particular date.

You can track all the users in the project and their log hours. It will also give you the total log hours per user as well as the total hours by all the users in the project. You can also fetch the average hours logged by particular users in the project.  

Edit log hours

  1. Navigate to the Grid view.
  2. Click the Total to open the log hours details page.
  3. Select the work item name for which you want to edit the log hours. 
  4. Navigate to Log Hours in the work item details page.
  5. Modify the log hours.
  6. Click Update.

Delete log hours

  1. Navigate to the Grid view. 
  2. Click the Total to open the log hours details page.
  3. Select the work item name for which you want to delete the log hours. 
  4. Navigate to Log Hours in the work item details page.
  5. Select the log hours.
  6. Click Delete Logs.

Filter and export

  1. Click   next to Log Hours in the upper right corner to filter the timesheet view. 
  2. Click   next to the Filter  to Export Timesheet or view the Export History

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