Managing Calendar in Zoho Recruit

Managing Calendar in Zoho Recruit

Planning and scheduling are important for any event. A well-conceived plan goes a long way towards bringing positive results, while properly scheduled events can complement your planning. Calendars are the great for tracking all sorts of events. You can track your events and calls, and stay aware of what's coming up for your day and week.

Our built-in calendar will help you plan and schedule events and calls.

  • Plan calls in advance and send invites to clients
  • Create weekly and monthly recurring events
  • Set personal preferences for reminders, working hours, holidays, and more
  • View calendars of other users (based on organizational hierarchy)
  • Import events from another calendar
  • Export events to Zoho Recruit's calendar
  • Accept event invitations from other users
  • Make calls directly from the calendar
  • Get a clear picture of events and calls for the upcoming day, week, and month

Set Calendar Preferences

You can set preferences for your calendar, such as setting your working hours, hiding events that you are not attending, setting reminders for events, and setting the default duration of events and calls. These settings are applicable only to your calendar.

To set calendar preferences :

  1. Click the calendar icon, then click Day, Week, or Month to view your calendar.
  2. Click Options, then select Preferences.
  3. Specify the following preferences for your calendar. These preferences are reflected only in your calendar:
    • Days in week view - You may want to view only the five working days of the week, or view all seven days including weekends.
    • Week starts on - Choose the first working day of the week.
    • Day starts at - Specify the time your workday starts.
    • For an all-day event, reminder options are available, such as On the day of the event, 1 day before the event, 2 days before the event, and 1 week before the event
    • Day ends at - Specify the time your workday ends.
    • Weekly Holiday 1 and Weekly Holiday 2 - Specify your weekly holidays. It can either be Saturday and Sunday, or any other day of the week.
    • Select the Activity Type from the dropdown list. You can choose to only view events, calls, or both events and calls in your calendar.
    • Select the Default event duration and the Default call duration from the respective dropdown lists.
      This can be important for calls, because your availability for other calls will be based on the approximate end time for your current call.
    • Hide events ___ day(s) after they've passed - Upon selecting this checkbox, your event will not be available in the calendar after the specified number of days.
    • Hide declined events - If you decline an event, you can choose not to have it in your calendar by selecting this checkbox.
    • Specify the following to set reminders for the upcoming events in your calendar. This reminder option will not be applied to calls.
    • Events - When do you want a reminder for the event - 5 minutes before the event starts, 15 minutes before or more?
    • All-day events - When do you want a reminder for an all-day event - on the day of the event or before that?
    • Turn off reminder via email - On selecting this, you will not receive reminders via email for the events in your calendar.
    • For notifications, select the Notify me when an event is assigned to me checkbox.
    • Click Save.


When you access other user's calendar, and the Holidays do not match, automatically all the 7 days of the week will be available in the calendar, irrespective of the calendar preferences of either user.

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