Managing predefined merge tags

Managing predefined merge tags

Merge tags are used to pull data directly from predefined fields to your email campaigns. You can personalize your messages with your recipient's name, address, and other details using merge tags. You can also personalize the subject and the content. 

In this article, we'll walk you through various types of merge tags and edit tags, and how these merge tags can be beneficial for your marketing campaigns.

How to add merge tags in your email campaign?

1. From the  Navigation toolbar, click Campaigns and choose the type of campaign.

2. Select one of our content options such as designed templates, or HTML editor or any other option in Email Campaign creation.

3. Choose the text component, mouse over to  Merge tags section. Click the required tag from the drop-down menu.

 4. Click  Save and proceed.


Basic predefined tags

Lead detail Tags

Lead detail tags consist of three merge tags - Email, First Name and Last Name.

When you're drafting the email content, all you need is to decide, how you want to address your leads, whether using their email address, first name or last name. 

How do I address a lead by the first name in an email campaign?

 You can add "First Name Merge tag ($[FNAME]$)" in the content of your campaign to address your leads by their first name.

This tag can be used if you are sure that your lead’s first name is mapped to the predefined field for fist name.

If there is no value in the first name field, it will be replaced by "Customer" in emails and "Guest" in social media.

How to use the FirstName merge tag:

When you're creating the email content, choose the text component, mouse over to Merge Tags and choose leads Merge Tags and then lead's first name, as shown in the screenshot.


If you want to address your leads as "lead" in place of "Customer", all you need is replace Customer with lead in the first name tag as given - $[FNAME|lead|Guest]$

For e.g., If you want to address your leads with their last name, click on $[LNAME]$ or $[LNAME|Customer|Guest]$  tags to use the tag in your content. 

In the Header & Footer section, you can find the display links that determine the background information, such as sender of the email, and also provides the end users with quick links.

  • Subscribe enables the recipients to subscribe and receive email notifications, updates and newsletters.
  • View in browser enables you to to open the email in a separate browser. It appears as a banner above the email content.

  • Tell-a-friend enables email recipients to forward the content to a friend. 

  • Update profile enables the leads to update their profile.

  • Unsubscribe enables the lead to unsubscribe from your list and the lead will be moved to Do Not Mail Registry. Once the leads are moved, they'll stop receiving emails.

  • Consent enables you to get the consent of a lead. It is used to ensure that leads are genuinely interested in getting emails from you. 

  • Company address enables you to display the organization address from your brand profile.

  • List description enables you to display the description for a list at the time of its creation. 

  • Lead preference enables the lead to choose the newsletters they prefer to receive.

  • Privacy link enables you to provide a link that takes the lead to the privacy policy of Zoho.

  • Imprint info enables you to display the imprint information you have provided under your company profile.

    If you don't want to place these links in your email's header & footer section, you can use the corresponding merge tags to embed those links within your campaign content.
    If you plan to import your campaign, copy and paste the relevant merge tags in your HTML before importing.
    If you select Text/HTML editor, copy and paste the relevant tags corresponding to their respective position within your content. You cannot click and include the tags in these editors.

    Use case 

    My leads say that they are still receiving email campaigns after they unsubscribed. How can this be resolved?

    Opt-in leads can use the Unsubscribe link to remove themselves from the mailing list they signed up for. When they unsubscribe from a mailing list, they also have the option to remove themselves from the organization, which will remove them from all mailing lists. Ask your leads to choose the Remove from the Org option to unsubscribe from all mailing lists in your organization, and they will no longer receive any emails from you.

    Subject based merge tags

    Personalizing the subject is one of the most widely used techniques for grabbing recipients' attention. The purpose of a subject line is simple: it has to get a subscriber to open the email. The subject line plays a crucial role in increasing the open rate of emails. You can personalize your subject by adding the recipient’s name, company, or other details by using our merge tags.

    Usage of First Name in Subject Line

    Everyone loves their name, and when people receive an email with a subject line mentioning their name, it piques their curiosity. The merge tag for the first name can be inserted in the subject line.

    How do I personalize my subject line using my lead's name?

    You can personalize the subject line by inserting the merge tag for the lead's first name using $[FNAME|lead]$.

    Tips for a great subject line, 1. Avoid using your leads' email address on your subject line.
    2. Make your subject line crisp.
    3. Use a default value in the merge tags so that it can replace if lead's first name is not updated in the mailing list.
    4. You can also use the last name in subject merge tags.

    List info tags

    These merge tags pulls the information about your mailing list such as list name, lead count and names of segments under the mailing list.

    $[ML:LISTNAME]$ - Displays the mailing list name.

    $[ML:LISTSUBCOUNT]$ -Displays the number of leads in the list.

    $[ML:SEGMENTNAME]$ -Displays the segment names under that mailing list.

    You can utilize these merge tags when you need to share the list details in your email campaigns. 

    Use case

    I am organizing a trade show event about my products. A few hundred people have subscribed to newsletters related to it. Can I send a campaign to my sponsors showing that many of them are interested in this event? How do I share the list details in my email campaign?

    You can use the following list information tags to fetch the data relevant to your event list,

      $[ML:LISTNAME]$ -Displays the mailing list name.

      $[ML:LISTSUBCOUNT]$ -Displays the number of leads in the list.

      $[ML:SEGMENTNAME]$ -Displays the segment names under that mailing list.


     Coupon merge tags

    Coupon Merge Tags are used to generate unique coupon codes rather than sending the same coupon to all leads.

    $[CT:COUPONCODE]$ - Generates coupon code

    $[CT:EXPIRYDATE]$ - Generates coupon expiry date


    You can view the coupon merge tags in the merge tags section of your content creation page. Click the Merge tags associated with the coupon to paste it in the template. You can use this merge tag, when you're sending out a coupon campaign.

    If you select Text/HTML editor please copy and paste relevant tags corresponding to their respective positions within your content. You cannot click and include the tags in these editors.

      Survey merge tags

    Survey Merge Tags are used to generate the survey name and survey link in the content section of your survey campaign.

    $[ZS:SURVEYURL]$ - To generate the survey URL 

    $[ZS:SURVEYNAME]$ - To generate the survey name.

    You can view the survey name and link in the merge tags section of your content creation page. Click the merge tags associated with survey name and survey link to paste those in the template. You need to use these merge tags if you want to include your survey URL and name in your survey campaigns.  If you select Text/HTML editor copy and paste relevant tags corresponding to their respective positions within your content. You cannot click and include the tags in these editors.


    Advanced predefined tags

    Zoho CRM merge tags

    Personalize sender details

    You can send an email campaign with a personalized sender name and email address of a Contact or Lead owner asssigned to that record in Zoho CRM with the help of CRM merge tags. This makes it easy for contacts in Zoho CRM to relate with the sender that they're familiar with.


    To avail this enhancement, the user must have integrated the Zoho CRM account and have at least one active sync running.

    Personalize campaign content

    You can send an email campaign with a personalized sender name and email address of a Contact or Lead owner asssigned to that record in Zoho CRM with the help of CRM merge tags. This makes it easy for contacts in Zoho CRM to relate with the sender that they're familiar with.

    The merge tags pulls specific data from CRM based on how the information is requested within the email content. This means you need to be cautious where you're placing the merge tags.

    These are the merge tags which will fetch the information from the CRM account:

    Use case 

    I have imported some fields from CRM using sync and I wantDisplays them when I send campaigns to my mailing lists. How do I do this?

    You can display the data from imported fields using custom fields and merge tags. Create a merge tag and choose the custom field that you have imported from CRM. 

    For example, if you've imported a field named "Skype ID" from CRM into a custom field named Skype_id, you will have to create a "SKYPE" merge tag for the custom field. You can then use the merge tag to display the Skype ID in your campaigns.

    vCard  merge tag

    You can be added as a safe sender in your lead's inbox by including a vCard tag in your email content. 

    vCard is an attachment with the sender's or your contact details. If you add this merge tag to an email campaign, your contact details will be sent as an attachment. In Gmail and Outlook, when a subscriber clicks on the attachment, you will be added as a contact. A download link is also sent. Subscribers can use this link if the attachment is not supported in their email client. You can choose the Insert Link option to customize the link.

    Use case

    Is there a way to make your leads add you to their contact list without directly asking them to do so?

    You can get yourself into your lead contact list with the help of vCard merge tag. A vCard is an attachment with the sender's contact details. It consists of the attachment of contact details which will be added to lead's contact list when they click it. A download link is also sent, which leads can use if the attachment is not supported by their email clients.

    You can provide an option to print the email campaign using Merge tags. These merge tags make your leads to print your email campaign. Let’s have a look at these tags. 

    $[ET:PRINTLINK]$ - A link to print the email campaign.
    $[ET:PRINTICON]$ - An icon to print the email campaign.
    $[ET:PRINTICON|Print|Print this]$ - An icon with Print as hover message.

    Comment tags

    You let recipients to post comments on email campaign using merge tags. 

    $[ET:COMMENTS_LINK]$ - A link to add comment in email campaign.
    $[ET:COMMENTS_ICON]$ - An icon to add comment in email campaign.
    $[ET:COMMENTS_ICON|Comments|Add comments]$ - An icon with hover comment as Add Comment in email campaign.

    You can apply text formatting to the merge tag. This format will be reflected in the merge tag data. For example, $[CT:COUPONCODE]$ will be displayed as COUPON CODE in your email campaign.

    While applying style to a merge tag, make sure to select the merge tag fully. If you apply text formatting to part of a merge tag, then it won't work.

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