Managing reports and folders

Managing reports and folders

Add report

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and click  Add Report .
  2. Fill in the details,
    • Name : Give a name to your report.
    • Description : Type a few words about your report.
    • Layout  : Select the layout   for which the graph must be plotted.
    • Folder : Select a folder to place your report. If no folder is chosen, the report will be classified under  Other Reports .

    • Plot Option :
      • Report for : This field provides the value for the first dimension (Y axis in the case of vertical graphs) of the graph. 
      • Plot for : This field provides the value for the second dimension (X axis in the case of vertical graphs) of the graph. 
    • Group by : This field provides values for the advanced dimension of the graph.The report will be grouped according to the value given in this field.  
    • Criteria filter : You can further scrutinize your report by choosing a criteria. Once saved, the report will be plotted according to this criteria. 
      • Criteria filter will display only the field labels associated to the selected layout.

  3. Click Save.


You can further refine your reports by choosing a Job Date and Report Period from the dropdown at the top.   

  • If the value selected in plot for field relates to a date or time, frequency of the graph can also be plotted.  
  • If the report is plotted for average or actual job transition time, the Plot Option will be set to  Transition  by default.  
  • To generate reports for average or actual of Jobs through stage or Job duration in stage , choose Stage in either Plot For or Group By columns. 

Edit/delete report

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and click   to view a pop-up.
  2. To edit the report, make the necessary modifications and click  Save .
  3. To delete the report, click    in the top-right corner. Confirm your action.

Add folder

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and click  Add Folder in the bottom-left corner.
  2. Give a name to your folder and press enter to save. 

Edit/delete folder

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and mouse over the folder name to view  .
  2. To edit your folder name , click the icon and select  Edit.  Make the changes and press enter.
  3. To delete your folder, click the icon and select  Delete.  Confirm your action. 

Other reports

Reports that are not classified under specific folders fall under other   reports . Navigate to reports to view the list of other   reports in the left panel. 

Chart Options

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and click  .
  2. Select  Chart Options  from the dropdown.
    • Chart Type : Select the type of chart you wish to view.
    • Plot Frequency : Choose the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly) that the report needs to be plotted in. This option appears only if the  Plot For  field of the report is filled with a date or time field. 

Filtering reports

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  tab and click  .
  2. Select  Filter from the dropdown.
  3. Choose one or more categories to filter and click  Find.

Navigate to jobs from reports

You can navigate to corresponding jobs right from the reports. Mouse over the graph and click on it to navigate to the related job.  

The criteria of the report can be viewed from the job page. You can also add filters to this view and save the applied criteria and filters as a new custom view .


  • When a graph is plotted based on the transition owner, navigation to the job is not possible.  

  • When reports are generated for average, actual, maximum, minimum, and sum of any field other than custom integer or decimal fields, navigation to the job is not possible.

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