Managing RSS merge tags

Managing RSS merge tags

RSS Merge Tags are used to fetch the blog content from a website that has an RSS Feed. Now, you can send email without having to create the content. Simply create an RSS Campaign and add these merge tags. They will fetch the content from your RSS Feed and send out the email whenever there is an update. Use the following tags to customize your RSS campaign content. RSS tags available in our product is as shown below,

Usage of RSS merge tags is limited to RSS Campaigns only.
You can use other merge tags to personalize the content for RSS campaigns.

Merge Tags for RSS Feeds

Personalize your campaign content using the following tags. Remember that the following set of tags refers to your blog and not its post. So, every field corresponds to the entities of your blog channel. Using these tags, you can include the required elements (title, date, and author) of your blog in the content.

Also, it is necessary to know that though you have used RSS merge tags, the corresponding RSS tags of your blog should have some value for the merge tags to fetch. Incase, a related RSS tag is left empty in your blog then the corresponding merge tag will not return any value.

Merge tag


Related RSS tag


Shows the title of the blog via RSS feed. 



Shows the recently updated date of the RSS Feed.



Shows the URL Link of the RSS Feed



Shows the description of the RSS feed.



Shows the blog author's name.



Shows the blog's image.


Merge Tags for RSS Items

Use the following merge tags to show an individual item or post. Also, it is necessary to know that though you have used RSS merge tags, the corresponding RSS tags of your blog item should have some value for the merge tags to fetch. Incase, a related RSS tag is left empty in your blog item then the corresponding merge tag will not return any value.

Start and end tags

$[RSSITEMS:START:n]$ and $[RSSITEMS:END]$ - These are the opening and closing tags. Include the merge tags under this loop. Here n= number of items to display in the RSS campaign.

Merge tag


Related RSS tag


Shows the title of the RSS item. 



Shows the URL Link of the RSS item.



Shows the recently updated date of the RSS item.



Shows the author's name of the RSS item.



Shows a concise form of the RSS item.

<content:encoded> nested in <item>


Shows the description of the RSS item.

 <description> nested in <item> 


Shows the image of the RSS item.

 Images under <enclosure>,<content> and <description> tags

 For e.g. 





This will display 4 RSS items.

 Using RSS Merge tags

  1. In Content section of RSS campaign creation, select one of our RSS-to-email predefined templates for sending an RSS campaign to your customers. You can also use our regular templates designed for emails.

  2. These RSS-to-Email templates will be embedded with the RSS merge tags in them.

  3. If you are interested in using generic templates or trying other content configuration methods, select the RSS Merge tags associated for RSS-to-Email Campaign to add them to your template.

  4. Click Save and close to proceed.


While using generic templates or other content configuration methods, it is mandatory to manually enter merge tags by clicking on relevant RSS merge tags so that they pull the RSS feed or item from your website.

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